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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Administrative burden is red tape - mandatory processes that continue to exist that have nothing to do with an internal policy's intention. It is experienced not only by citizens trying to access a service, but also public servants trying to deliver it. The Government of Canada is looking at streamlining its administrative policies relating to Service and Digital by applying an administrative burden lens to it.
PAZOS is an innovative alternative to dealing with the historically high juvenile homicide rate by using public force. It was developed because the city of Palmira was among the most dangerous cities in Colombia and the world; today we have the lowest homicide rate in the city's history. We attribute this achievement to an articulated and focused intervention, oriented to the dual functionality of targeting public spending and generating opportunities through policymaking.
GovTech Poland has developed world's first challenge based procurement model where the authors of the best idea receive a full implementation contract without the need for an additional cumbersome tender. With the goal of opening procurement to all creative individuals, the model covers the process from identification to implementation. A pilot run, tested in both central and local institutions has increased SME participation in procurement processes by an average of 1600% (in a sample of 250)…
With the maturing of the Transparency Policy in the Brazilian Federal Executive Branch, there was a need to broaden the assessment of the implementation of the Access to Information Act. The innovation here lies in the methodology adopted, which was previously quantitative and is now also qualitative, allowing an improvement in the answers provided to citizens and the extension of the transparency culture, favoring all stakeholders: public bodies under assessment, citizens and the Government.
MEData is the strategy for providing, appropriating and using the public data of Medellin. It will become the official information source of the city, where citizens will have constant and reliable data that can be used to generate knowledge, promote technological innovation and boost economy. it is the first government platform that integrates strategic information sources into a big data technology and automatically synchronizes them with an open data portal.
The promotion of competition has been identified as one of the major challenges of the Public Procurement System in Colombia. Despite its importance, it was only in 2019 that a tool  allowing to effectively monitor the participation of the interested parties on the bidding processes was developed and implemented by the Colombian Procurement Agency. Thanks to this tool, participants are able to diagnose flaws, and make suggestions or requests for improvements.
The project of monitoring open government commitments was developed with the objective of guaranteeing the fulfillment of the Brazilian initiatives in the scope of the Open Government Partnership. It is a process carried out jointly, periodically and proactively by government and civil society, with significant results for society as a whole. This approach is materialized through specific monitoring and evaluation actions that provide transparency regarding the implementation of Brazilian OGP…
It is currently difficult for the public to follow how EU laws are made. This is because the Council - where Member States are represented - remains relatively inaccessible. Documents are difficult to get hold of and Member States’ positions on a given law are not public. The EO opened an own-initiative inquiry into Council legislative transparency and has called for a series of transparency steps to be taken.
Based on the idea that cultural consumption is important both for enriching yourself as a person and strengthening the fabric of our society, in 2016 the Italian government introduced a 500€ cultural bonus for all 18-year-old people living in Italy. Young people can spend it on cultural items and activities such as going to theatres, concerts and museums, buying books, etc. They have to register online and then spend the money through the dedicated website, accessible from any device.…
The methodology of the “Brazil Transparency Scale” Survey consists of a checklist on 17 categories that cover all relevant aspects of the access to information regulation at the local level, the existence and functionality of the electronic Citizen Information Service (passive transparency), as well as the information disclosure of public funds, revenue, expenditure, public bidding, etc. (active transparency). The final evaluation score ranged from zero to ten.