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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Brazil’s website offers almost 5.000 public services and has more than 200 million monthly page views on average. With so many service options, it’s paramount to make them easily available. Under that mindset, the Ministry of Economy developed two important improvements to its usability: the first is the use of AI to recommend services based on the citizen's browsing history. The second was creating User profiles as a way of finding services based on the citizens’ journeys.
The innovation involved creating a central support service for elderly people who need care and monitoring. For this purpose, a Call Center operates on a 24-hour basis with properly trained staff composed of social workers and psychologists, who have direct access to each elderly person's file and respond to the elderly person's emergency calls by telephone.
In order to promote open government in Bogotá, strengthen trust, facilitate advocacy and digital democracy, improve the experience of procedures and services and the relationship between citizens and the District Administration, Chatico, Bogotá's virtual agent, was born. Chatico is a tool available on the Web and Whatsapp that enables citizen participation and identifies, unifies, centralises and rationalises procedures, services and information of interest to citizens.
We have developed an innovative GDP forecasting application based on Explainable Machine Learning (XML). It allows users to generate accurate and explicable economic forecasts from data sets with multivariate time-series. The application displays novel prediction changes for temporally ordered variable values, which largely increases the ability to explain predictions. It also includes a hybrid machine learning (ML) model that seamlessly combines all algorithms which outperform Sweden's National…
The innovation is a platform where all government sectors and private sectors can acquire the UAEPASS (Federal Digital Identity) log-in Application Programming Interface (API) and other services from a single platform. Similarly, in this platform the end-user can install the API without interference with the UAEPASS Operation team.
The UAE Pass includes a ‘digital vault’, powered by blockchain technology, for storing users’ digital documents and sharing them with government departments for completing their transactions quickly without the need to provide paper documents. Users can request a digital version of their official documents and use them securely, to get services from service providers when needed. This feature eliminates the need for physical documents and visits, saving you time and effort.
Survey figures spoke an alarming truth about a lack of awareness in the public of the risks of the flu and Covid-19, especially when they were circulating at the same time, alongside the essential protection that the vaccines provide. This meant that there was a need for a tool that provided instant access to a trusted voice (the NHS) to cut through misinformation and confusion caused online and to encourage vaccination. The 'NHS Winter Vaccines Virtual Helper' was developed to become that tool.
The Madinati platform aims to address the problem of random disposal of waste, as well as the adoption of improper practices in waste management, such as mixing waste, and its negative environmental and health effects on society. The Madinati platform helps entities to introduce accountabilities on the municipal waste generators in all sectors against the waste they produce. It helps in building a comprehensive knowledge-base with much higher accuracy to support strategical decision making.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings many opportunities, but also new challenges for public administration. The online training for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: New Technologies, teaches public servants and private sector employees the basics of AI, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, IoT, 3D printing, Robots, Drones and the Digital Economy. Through quizzes, games and many illustrative examples, participants can immerse themselves into the modern world of emerging technologies, which is crucial…