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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Braziian government is using AI to assist in the mapping and tracking of COVID-19 infections. Interactive voice response (IVR) robots will trigger automatic calls and carry out virtual consultation with Brazilians. Using AI, the robot will ask people about contacts with those infected, commuting on public transport and day-to-day care to understand hwo the outbreak is developing. The system will then cross the information and, using big data and analytical tools, track who is at risk, who…
One of Israel’s largest health maintenance organizations is using artificial intelligence to help identify which of the 2.4 million people it covers are most at risk of severe covid-19 complications. Maccabi Healthcare Services says the system—which it developed with AI company Medial EarlySign—has already flagged 2% of its members, amounting to around 40,000 people. Once identified, individuals are put on a fast track for testing. The AI was adapted from an existing system trained to…
The Office for Digital Response to Covid-19 was set up to assess and implement digital-based measures, ensuring an coordinated response by involving public and private players. The Office released of a set of initiatives such as the reinforcement of the infrastructure to public digital services, special communications packages (both data and calls) to healthcare professionals (as well businesses and citizens), specific conditions to licences and access to solutions of homeschooling and…
In Portugal, the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), in collaboration with the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education (ANQEP), has built a dedicated website with a set of resources to support schools in the use of distance learning methodologies that allow them to continue teaching and learning processes.
Better Connections Virtual Consultation– Pilot phase • Provided the launched virtual consultations in 5 labor compounds, The Better Connections virtual consultation is a build on the Better Connections infrastructure (Computers installed and connected to the internet in labor camps), to allow the migrant workers to have a successful virtual consultation with physician and doctors in the health centers through online video session instead of physically visit the health center or the…
National Food Security Analytics and Supply and Demand Dashboard that monitors stock evolution, provides alerts, simulates future scenarios, and enables contingency planning. • Key information from different sources are integrated in a single platform (e.g. imports data, local production data, stock levels of different key food and hygiene/medical products, etc.) • A simple visualization interface provides government officials with an immediate view on actual and projected supply, demand,…
The program has been designed to support SMEs in being at the cutting edge of ICT development. The program offers exclusive content and events The program focuses on three specific areas: (cloud, ecommerce and web presence Providing support during the COVID-19 crisis with SME linkage for immediate digitalization and targeted top sectors (groceries, pharmacies, sanitizers, etc) Enable service providers and technology solutions to undertake SMEs to digitalize businesses Conducted online…
The Ministry of Public Health in Qatar developed and supported many different initiatives during the Covid-19 crisis to ensure the safety of its nation, such as: 1- Provide a telephonic/video medical consultation & virtual appointments with physicians to patients with medical queries where patients enter virtual consultation rooms with their doctors and other specialists can be added. Then electronic sick leaves can be issued through the MoPH website This service was launched in collaboration…
"Hack COVID-19" An online platform to allow innovators to develop and share their entrepreneurial ideas that will help in dealing with the various problems and challenges posed by the spread of the novel coronavirus epidemic. It is executed as a competition where the five winning ideas will receive financing and support of QR250,000 each, to develop and implement their ideas, as well as several services, advisory programs and incubation services that will help the implementation of the…