The Government of Estonia has made available open data on COVID-19 infections on its national open data portal, including positive and negative test results and a summary. Data are disaggregated by age intervals and county level. Data is accesssible via a Creative Commons 3.0 licence, XSLS format, with daily updates.
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
In response to the COVID19 crisis, the Danish Government has published data and statistics on a daily basis.
In response to the COVID19 crisis, the Government of Colombia has made available open data on all confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Colombia. The data can be accessed on multiple official websites, including the national open data portal. The data are at individual level, disaggregated by gender, city, department, status of the case (recovered, isolation), severity of the case (e.g. mild, asymptomatic), date of notification, if the individual case was imported from another country, date of…
The statistical information of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) to the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) are as Open Government Data (OGD) under the open Creative Commons (CC) license available ( CC-BY-4.0 ). The data can be used by the general public under the condition of naming (ie naming the source BMSGPK) in machine-readable format together with the associated metadata. This corresponds to the requirements of the Information…
A data dashboard with numbers of tests, infections, details on infected in ICU, deaths, infections by region.
The first Serbian ventilator was produced as a result of the call of the Innovation Fund. The scientists in the Institute Mihailo Pupun were developing this idea for years, but the innovation call and few young enterpreneurs from a company called Smart Research accelerated the development of a prototype. In a month time, five models of ventilators were made, on which a team of experts worked without a break, between 10 and 15 hours a day.
Innovative disinfection tunnel and cabin is one of the awarded solutions to the Innovation Fund call. It is a disinfection tunnel made of stainless steel, which is equipped with nozzles that disperse disinfection drops.
As one of the awarded projects on the Serbian Innovation Fund, the SME Heliant developed a platform for fast messaging in the conditions of COVID 19 pandemic. The HERMES-COVID solution provides communication between key players in the healthcare system and healthcare professionals. This solution provides an opportunity for the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Health, public health institutes to use this tool to safely, technologically advanced and in real time forward the…
As a response to the open call of the Innovation Fund, the SME CCS Solutions developed reusable protective masks - LifeMask. It is the first mask in the world made of durable, white plastic used in the food industry. The seal that sticks to the face is made of memory foam and will not create allergies or scars on the face. After each use, the mask can be wiped with disinfectant or washed with soap, as well as boiled at 70 degrees and used for up to three months. Mask filters can be changed every…
As one of the responses to the Innovation Fund open call, the SME SKV Garant developed portable ozonizers for fast and safe disinfection of facilities.