An increased workload for family doctors and the health sector as a whole means that getting in touch with a doctor may be more difficult; those in need of filing an official sick note (Haigusleht) with employers can do so via the Patient Portal.
Entries into the patients' portal will be forwarded to the Health Insurance Fund and the individual's employer and family doctor; the record is also automatically opened and the individual will be contacted by the family doctors' center within a week to…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world
This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
The Government of Kazakhstan used SMS to communicate with those who qualified for social assistance to indicate that this would be automatically transferred into their bank accounts, or to request bank account information to complete the transfer.
Our Tomorrows launched a new SenseMaker framework to establish a rapid feedback loop for citizens to share their experiences with COVID-19 and the impact it has on their families. Stories that are shared contribute to a state-wide Story Bank hosted by the Kansas Children's Cabinet and Trust Fund. State-level decision-makers and community organizations across the state may access the Story Bank and analysis provided by the Our Tomorrows team to craft intervention strategies and rapidly respond to…
Covid-19 Response
Citizen Platform to report and monitor the development of COVID-19 combining data from government…
Qlue, a startup initiative, works with a number of startups under MDI Ventures, a corporate venture capital initiative by Telkom Indonesia, to launch a new citizen reporting platform called Moving Indonesia (Indonesia Bergerak) to report on COVID-19 related issues. Qlue is a social media app which allows users to report problems directly to the city government and businesses, as well as sharing informations to the neighbors around them in order to help creating Smart City. Reports from citizens…
Providing residents with direct access to trusted COVID-19 information via Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology.
We launched a pro bono initiative where Corona-affected small businesses get help from volunteers to quickly build digital channels: Videochats, Websites, Onlineshops, etc; The aim is to help the businesses reach their customer segments on new channels / find new customer segments online
- Control of epidemics
- Patient Control
- Control of Vaccination Campaigns
- Expert needs control by location
- More reliable and secure data under the new personal data protection law
- More objective targeting of public health policy
- Faster reaction to public health emergencies
- Doctors with access to all health history and with more accurate patient information, even in emergency care
- Patients with their health history updated and accessible when they need medical care
- Public…
In March 2019, the government of Pacitan District, East Java Province, Indonesia, prepared a dashboard to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in the district.The Dashboard displays an updated status of the spread of the virus in the district, including data on people at risk of becoming infected, infected people in medical care, and visitors from outside the district The data is collected daily by village neighbourhood groups (RT/RW) and reported to an Emergency Team at the district level.
The Madrid City Council has decided to transform the Decide Madrid platform into
a channel of citizen participation through which residents can submit solidarity initiatives proposals that can help improve the current situation.
Dr Rosa is a virtual assistant/chatbot in WhatsApp. Dr Rosa asks users a series of questions and, through artificial intelligence algorithms, determines the symptoms of the patient. Based on these, the user is passed to a virtual office, where they are evaluated by professional doctors, who can send an ambulance with specialized personnel for physical observation and home care, or even refer them to a hospital center as appropriate.