ViLTė chatbot answer questions about Covid-19 from official sources. Truthful, reliable and up-to-date information on emergency, quarantine and coronavirus from official sources is crucial today. In order to facilitate the provision of reliable information to the public in the face of COVID-19 crisis, an automated conversation robot called ViLTė was installed by the Government of Lithuania at
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Effective information sharing through, hotline, and mobile app.
National eHealth solution for COVID-19 testing.
All PCR tests related to COVID-19 are processed on national eHealth system. All patients, regardless of where the sample was taken (drive-thru testing, emergency department, fever clinic, or hospital), can access their test results on their patient portal account.Those patients who have been tested at a drive-thru are automatically notified of the test result via SMS, and in case of a positive test – by a doctor's call.
COVID-19 case management system to ensure efficient track and tracing
Covid-19 Response – an example of crowdsourcing for education in the context of COVID-19
'Digital pe' e-Platform
'Digital pe' or was developed by the team of the project "Relevant Curriculum, Open Education for All" - CRED, with the support of experts from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), in order to provide teachers and pupils with much needed digital tools and skills to continue their learning from home.
The spread of COVID-19 has put forward the need to speed up the “digitalisation” of teachers’ skillset and didactic…
I belive last research solutions about treating Covid19 should be comunicated to the masses through mass media - TV and Internet. I also think that treatment should be delivered at home for all pacients who can not be taken to the hospital.
Respondents' health and safety (Creating new practices to reduce staff exposure to COVID-19 while conducting their core operations)
Sharing information and practices with the public or internally (using crisis communication channels, combating misinformation or using knowledge-sharing platforms to keep call center staff up-to-date with COVID-19 information).
Public services delivery in new circumstances (Transitions to virtual classrooms)
Covid-19 Response
SARS-CoV-2 detection in Algarve population to increase the country response to COVID-19.
In order to promote a rapid response to COVID-19, since the beginning of March, the ABC-Algarve Biomedical Center starts to provide clarification sessions about COVID-19 to community. Right after, implement several other initiatives, including the establishment of a partnership with the Ministry of Health to strengthen the response capacity of the SNS24 Line; a free support line for the population of Algarve, the INFO COVID-19 Algarve; a COVID-19 test center in the Algarve, namely since April 1,…
Covid-19 Response
New Zealand Police use humorous and citizen-submitted videos for their crisis-comms
New Zealand Police undertook a series of efforts to communicate instructions, advice and information with citizens in new, creative, and sometimes humorous ways.
A group of Indian organisations led by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) organised a hackathon, in line with the Hackathons being organised by Accelerate Estonia and Garage48.