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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This is a guest post from Johannes Mikonnen of Demos Helsinki, a partner in our recent work with the Latvian public sector. The world in which we live today calls for governments to find solutions to the most pressing challenges, and governments are falling short. Experimentation offers one particularly promising way for navigating the uncertainty and the rapidly changing circumstances of the 21st century. The Innovation Lab of the Latvian government embraced the transformative potential...
Over the past four months the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) has worked together with the Government of Denmark to conduct this Public Sector Innovation Scan. Learning from public sector innovation: the role of scans Public sector innovation systems are dynamic and constantly evolving: there is no perfect end point. Regardless of how developed or successful an innovation system is, there is always need for critical reflection on the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for...
OPSI conducted a scan of the public sector innovation system of Denmark in partnership with the Danish National Centre for Public Sector Innovation (COI). The aim was to provide COI with an independent overview of the drivers, supports, organisational and systemic factors that influence the development and diffusion of innovation in the Danish public sector.
How do you coordinate and convene a public sector innovation network? How do you connect people whose common interest is difference? Recently, we started to compile a catalogue of public sector innovation networks from around the world, in recognition of the important and valuable role that such networks can play. There are quite a number now, and in response to questions from some of the coordinators of the networks, we decided to hold a meet-up...
The Paraguayan government has designed and is executing its first National Innovation Strategy using a participatory approach. The intention is to co-design an Innovation Strategy by unifying different government sectors, the civil society, academia, and the private sector. This interactive process employs new and innovative strategies to include the community into the policymaking and agenda-setting process.
The Innovation Barometer is the world’s first official statistics on Public Sector Innovation (PSI), now implemented in 5 countries, providing innovators and decision makers with systematic knowledge of what thousands of innovators 'actually do’. The barometer advances PSI as a tool for solving societal problems and is used in practice for: inspiring innovation work, policymaking, strategising, executive leadership development, teaching, research and consultancy services.
Today we’re releasing an innovation scan of the Latvian national public sector, undertaken in conjunction with the Latvian State Chancellery and with the support of the European Union’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support. We are releasing both a report and a highlights document. We’re very excited to share this work, both because it is about recognising and celebrating the efforts that have already occurred in Latvia, and because it is a demonstration of the...
The OECD-OPSI, through the Latvian State Chancellery and with support from the European Commission, conducted a scan of the public sector innovation system of Latvia. The goal was to examine the forces influencing innovation to create a common understanding of the landscape as a foundation for future decision0making and to provide recommended actions to enhance public sector innovation across the Latvian public service.
Editor’s note: This guest blog was written by Katju Holkeri, Head of Unit for Governance Policy in The Public Governance Department in the Finnish Ministry of Finance. This post was written following a February 2021 collaboration session between three OECD teams to join up intersecting work on trust, civic space, and anticipatory innovation governance in Finland.  Anticipating the trust of citizens is not easy. What is possible for us in Finland however is to strengthen...

Virtual circular design course: Tool guide

Champion CHAMPION:
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This toolkit offers a starting point and a framework for uncovering circular potentials and barriers and to potentially identify new circular business models. The tools in this toolkit focus specifically on mapping a company's circular potentials in the value chain it operates within. And it gives priority to understanding, framing and re-fining the value businesses create in the value chain, exploring the interaction with both customers, collaborators and influential stakeholders. The toolkit…