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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Innovative use of social media (Whatsapp) platform to increase participation and disseminate information for the creation of Paraguay's 4th National Action Open-Government Plan. These 14 online groups were created to allow citizens from the countryside, from marginalized and vulnerable groups, to be able to participate on an equal standing with other citizens from urban areas with access to policyholders. It is innovative because it was the first time we used this platform to involve citizens.
Not only is transparency in Brazil taken as the principle of publicity in public administration, but also as a Public Policy, led by integrated actions focused on achieving specific goals. Brazilian Government has reaped concrete quantitative and qualitative transparency-driven results: saving of resources, reformulation of public policies and inhibition of misconduct and corruption acts. The Transparency Portal is the core of the policy and central tool to promote results through transparency.
En 2015, le Parlement de Wallonie a engagé une réforme de son Règlement ayant notamment pour objectif d’associer davantage les citoyens wallons au travail législatif des députés. Dans ce cadre, plusieurs dispositifs ont été mis en place dont la modernisation et le renforcement du droit de pétition qui permet aux citoyens de déposer et soutenir des pétitions par voie électronique. Il s’agit d’un projet novateur pour le Parlement qui se veut plus que jamais ouvert et à…
Conçus et impulsés par Etalab, Datactivist et Vraiment Vraiment dans le cadre de la démarche de gouvernement ouvert en France, le forum « Open d’État » est une rencontre entre agents publics impliqués dans des projets d’innovation, et des acteurs de la société civile (acteurs privés, associations, ONG…) lors de forums ouverts sur des projets spécifiques autour de la donnée. Ces Forums permettent d'expliquer les projets et de recueillir les demandes des citoyens.
2018 was the year of reflection on the future of Europe. In order to understand the hopes and fears of citizens of Latvia regarding the future of European Union, more than 1500 citizens have been engaged in consultations that took place both in the regions of Latvia and online. Consultations were co-organized by state institutions and civil society organisations using various experimental formats.
Education in Open Government is a project whose main objective is to foster social and civic competences for the exercise of one's democratic citizenship in children and young people. It involves three phases: 1) Teachers' training via a massive online open course (MOOC). 2) Implementation of educational projects in schools: for this purpose, 3 guides of Education in Open Government have been published: Primary Education, Secondary Education and High School. 3) Evaluation of the experiences.
The Colombian Public Innovation Team ran a trial aimed to improve the quality and quantity of food served in the Colombian government’s school meals programme (PAE). It combined SMS messages to encourage parental engagement in the programme and lighter audits by a third party (local university students). Behavioural insights were applied to inform message design. The project included a learning phase to test and adapt elements of the intervention and an experimental evaluation (RCT) in the…
Brazil has faced many corruption scandals, which is causing Brazilians, and mainly its youth, to increasingly distrust public institutions in general. A a result, we launched "Cities in Play", a free online game to be played in schools that puts the students in the position of an elected mayor, who needs to choose among different public policies to make his best to succeed in his administration. Our main goal is to enable political awareness in Brazilian youth to allow them to play an active…
BA Obras is a collaborative initiative to open information on public works in the City of Buenos Aires, seeking to increase transparency in the management of public resources. It consists on a portal through which all the residents of the City can track the works in real time; so they can see what works are being done in their neighborhoods, know the dates of start and end of them, and the investment they require, while they can monitor progress.
The Open Data Policy of the Federal Executive Branch was established by the Decree N. 8.777/2016. Besides establishing the possibility of requesting public databases, the policy sets up the obligation for each body to draw up an Open Data Plan (PDA), which systematizes the planning for the opening of public data. The CGU monitors (through around 230 federal agencies covered by the decree, establishing regular and customized contact with public managers.