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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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On June 17 we completed the phased exit from Aspire, government’s largest outsourced IT contract (£10bn). Despite skepticism, we split Aspire, took control of our IT and created a ground-breaking commercial IT operating the model. Recognized as the government’s most successful major program, Columbus delivered on time with huge savings for taxpayers – creating a blueprint for any organization to follow.
The Blockbuster model predicts the deterioration and future condition of the School Estate under various maintenance and rebuilding spending policies (i.e. the effect of planned maintenance/repair on this deterioration). This provides a data-driven approach to improving the management of the School Estate leading to the potential of saving public money.
The Statement of Interests and Assets system (abbreviated to DIP) allows monitoring assets and potential conflicts of interest of officials through business intelligence. Data mining is used to process new data to address audit teams. This innovation represents a change in the traditional auditing process that improves the efficiency and economy of our teams.
eHealth is a step-by-step digitalization of all interactions in the medical sphere up to the latest technology, interoperability & requirements. With a bottom-up approach civil society, state and business are creating an effective IT tool to fight corruption in healthcare before all legislation is in place. GoU sets up the rules and standards, while business creates final interfaces for users.
APEX is a whole-of-government API platform where public agencies can share data and services with other agencies and private entities. APEX simplifies API management by providing uniform governance, consistency and reliable performance. It enables innovation through a central catalogue and self-service portal where innovators can select APIs to create new services and experiences for citizens.
The ‘Reproducible Analytical Pipelines’ project is a collaboration between several UK Government departments to revolutionize the way statistical publications are produced. By using open source software, statistics can be produced more quickly, with automated quality control, in a way that is easier to reproduce, and share. This open approach leads to more transparent, higher quality statistics. promotes the design of evidence-based policies in a transparent and collaborative manner. Academia, public officials and decision-makers can follow the progress of the indicators measuring the global goals with official data and user friendly visualizations.
Over a third of U.S. federal employees are eligible to retire in the next five years, yet only 6% of employees are under 30—a pressing issue given the rate of innovation. Piloted as an effort between agencies and a student-led nonprofit, the Civic Digital Fellowship recruits the next generation of technologists—students and recent grads—pairing them with in-need agencies. It has scaled to six agencies, and is an attractive on-ramp for technical students into public service.