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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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As a response to the open call of the Innovation Fund, the SME CCS Solutions developed reusable protective masks - LifeMask. It is the first mask in the world made of durable, white plastic used in the food industry. The seal that sticks to the face is made of memory foam and will not create allergies or scars on the face. After each use, the mask can be wiped with disinfectant or washed with soap, as well as boiled at 70 degrees and used for up to three months. Mask filters can be changed every…
As one of the responses of the open call of the Innovation Fund of Serbia, the SME Agrounik formulated the preparation Surfix, which is a biological disinfectant with antiviral and antibacterial action. The viruses which spread through droplets, such as coronavirus, can survive in an external environment, that is, on objects and hands, for a long period of time, increasing the possibility of infection. Traditional chemical disinfectants have a limited effect, and they are also not natural and…
The Spanish Armed Forces are cooperating with the national health authorities in order to equip 16 hospitals given a quick response to the need of increasing the health capacities. In this context the main contribution of the Armed Forces is providing engineer assestment to build up hospital centers and health techical support, as well as to carry out logistics and transportation tasks.
Brazil's National School of Public Administration (Enap) has launched a series of public challenges to combat a variety of issues regarding the epidemic: Efficiency of the health system to face the epidemic Decreasing the economic impacts in the context of Covid-19 Mitigation of the socio-economic consequences of Covid-19 Monitoring and management of coping with the epidemic Companies, impact businesses, private non-profit entities, public and private Scientific and Technological Research…
Singapore launched a dedicated emergency response healthcare centre in their Tan Tock Seng Hospital, just weeks before the COVID crisis, which has used innovative techniques to help co-ordinate responses to the crisis. This centre has done a number of innovative things as part of their 34 widgets that they have developed to monitor specific elements of the outbreak and response. Other responses include: At specific sites, like the National Centre for Infectious Disease (NCID)'s screening centre,…
Bristol, UK, has decided to to transform parts of the historic Old City area into fully pedestrianised zones. Plans are being drawn up to widen pavements and improve cycle routes through Bristol too on other roads. Some historic streets like Corn Street, St Nicholas Street and Small Street are due to be pedestrianised. Also, Bristol Bridge is to be closed to motor traffic apart from public transport, taxis and motorcyles. The idea is to orientate the city both for the present and the…