As one of the awarded projects on the Serbian Innovation Fund, the SME Heliant developed a platform for fast messaging in the conditions of COVID 19 pandemic. The HERMES-COVID solution provides communication between key players in the healthcare system and healthcare professionals. This solution provides an opportunity for the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Health, public health institutes to use this tool to safely, technologically advanced and in real time forward the…
Response Tag: Digital Transformation
Online service and answering machine for application for financial support of 100 EUR to all adult citizens of Serbia as a response to COVID-19 crisis. Besides the submission of application, the portal allows for tracking of the status of application as well as form for reporting problems with the application or payments.
The Ministry of Agriculture in Serbia initiated the first e-greenmarket to support the trade of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and all other products normally available at the green markets all over Serbia. The portal is available to all agricultural producers in Serbia, majority of which small or family producers, who due to the pandemics cannot sell goods on the green markets.
Singapore launched a dedicated emergency response healthcare centre in their Tan Tock Seng Hospital, just weeks before the COVID crisis, which has used innovative techniques to help co-ordinate responses to the crisis.
This centre has done a number of innovative things as part of their 34 widgets that they have developed to monitor specific elements of the outbreak and response. Other responses include:
At specific sites, like the National Centre for Infectious Disease (NCID)'s screening centre,…
Hangzhou, the Chinese tech-hub megacity, have announced plans to use their health code app from their coronavirus response in future public health plans.
The app displays a QR code with the user's current viral status, granting different freedoms of movement depending on your status or not.
The plans for the app is to integrate other health data and indicators to develop individual rankings, scoring citizens based off indicators including medical records, physical test results, level of activity…
The National COVID-19 Integrated IS represents software support for performing epidemiological surveillance related to the COVID-19. The application enables the registration of all persons tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The beneficiaries of the application are health care institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary level, as well as laboratories that perform sample testing, public health institutes, sanitary inspectors and the Ministry of…
From the day one of the declared State of Emergency, the entire primary and secondary education system in Serbia was transferred from classrooms to homes. The classes were taught through the national broadcaster and education online, through several platforms. To be able to follow the online education and to practice for the final exam, the government formed a coalition with the private sector and provided smart phones, tablets and internet for 2.800 eight-graders coming form the disadvantaged…
Covid-19 Response
Government of British Columbia’s Attestation for Infection Prevention and Control Protocol

Government of British Columbia’s Covid-19 app, which is aimed to protect silviculture employees, contractors and employers during COVID-19.
Pennsylvania’s Hospital Preparedness Dashboard, which shows available hospital beds and ventilators on a county-by-county basis.
Splunk for Good which shows global COVID-19 patterns and trends.