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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Research shows, that employees’ poor mental health causes a drop in productivity by 36% and the rise of sick days. In fact, 50% of Millennials leave jobs because of it. We believe that employees’ emotional hygiene must become a routine and taken care of by outside professionals. ​That’s why we created AOC – a Mental Gym, an objective partner, that helps to build a habit of exercising emotional fitness, anonymously and safely. Employees can train individually, with a community, or…
The entire nation has been affected by the corona-virus but instead of just looking at the negatives this should be seen as a time for finding important and necessary changes and possibilities. The self-quarantine of senior citizens and most of others has expanded digital services as the main and sometimes the only contact method between humans. And as we all know the digital world has not been designed with senior citizens as the top priority. The main objective of Digital leap for seniors is…
Legion of Gediminas - voluntary assistance from Vilnius residents Vilnius already had a volunteer IT team of 700 people, but during the first week, Legion of Gediminas was formed and over 6000 addition volunteers joined. They helped to deliver food for elderly, a group of makers created face shields, data analytics worked with predictions, mental health line was created. Gediminas legion established a donation box to collect medical protection items from people which were willing to donate, with…
'Digital pe' e-Platform 'Digital pe' or was developed by the team of the project "Relevant Curriculum, Open Education for All" - CRED, with the support of experts from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), in order to provide teachers and pupils with much needed digital tools and skills to continue their learning from home. The spread of COVID-19 has put forward the need to speed up the “digitalisation” of teachers’ skillset and didactic…
In order to promote a rapid response to COVID-19, since the beginning of March, the ABC-Algarve Biomedical Center starts to provide clarification sessions about COVID-19 to community. Right after, implement several other initiatives, including the establishment of a partnership with the Ministry of Health to strengthen the response capacity of the SNS24 Line; a free support line for the population of Algarve, the INFO COVID-19 Algarve; a COVID-19 test center in the Algarve, namely since April 1,…