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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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To contribute to mitigating land conflicts in Viet Nam, we promote government’s transparency and citizens’ access to land information by conducting annual reviews of local governments’ disclosure of important land information and developing a web portal with interactive maps to visualize and track disclosure progress of all provinces and districts in Viet Nam. The online platform also facilitates participation by allowing citizens to access and evaluate the quality of information…
Nudge Türkiye undertook a project to increase the uptake of government subsidies by SMEs. Analysis showed our subsidies were used by a limited number of big companies, and government could reach the SMEs who need financial support the most. By interacting more closely with the firms, they clarified the pain points for the SMEs. Based on firms' feedback, organisers created a user-friendly website for explaining subsidies, and sent over 30,000 emails that used behavioural messages to nonapplicant…
SPILNO is a participatory digital democracy platform for citizens, organizations and local governments. It was created to improve communication of active citizens, acceleration of ideas, initiatives, implementation of socially important projects. A platform of interaction between government and community through the tools of e-democracy.
Scottish Government commissioned research to explore public attitudes to agriculture, environment and rural priorities in Scotland, to develop replacements to the Common Agricultural Policy. The research involved a number of strands of data collection, with each element building on the other, and culminating in citizens' forums to develop a detailed understanding of public priorities. The research is being used by policymakers as a new Scottish Bill is in the process of being developed.
In order to set a common understanding of the progress made on the Government action plan related to Open Government, an online platform publicly shares the details of every government commitment and its corresponding progress. This approach offers: - A framework for coordination between the different administration entities around Open Government - A tool for transparency and accountability to be used by civil society and the general public
The National Open Data Portal is a single access point for all data produced by public institutions for the purpose of : - Complying with the provisions of the organic Law on access to information in its section on the proactive publication of public data in open format; - Promoting the reuse of public data to stimulate innovation and the creation of new value-added services aiming to enhance the economic growth; and - Strengthening the transparency and integrity of governmental activities.
Libellula is a laboratory for civic monitoring of local public spending and a format to build and sustain a local civic monitoring coalition. The first lab is based in Messina, Sicily. Moving from monitoring a specific case, Libellula aims at building a civic multi-stakeholder coalition which, while monitoring, simultaneously cultivates skills and capabilities of those involved to advocate for transparent and collaborative public spending in order to address the misuse of public money.
GovTech Poland has developed world's first challenge based procurement model where the authors of the best idea receive a full implementation contract without the need for an additional cumbersome tender. With the goal of opening procurement to all creative individuals, the model covers the process from identification to implementation. A pilot run, tested in both central and local institutions has increased SME participation in procurement processes by an average of 1600% (in a sample of 250)…
Minas Gerais Government Transparency Portal is an instrument of transparency and control of state governmental actions by its citizens. The data available on the portal allows citizens to inspect and monitor public expenses of the government, contributing to greater transparency and prevention of corruption. Since its creation, the portal has been improved and complies to regulations and standards of public information and has a user friendly interface.
With the maturing of the Transparency Policy in the Brazilian Federal Executive Branch, there was a need to broaden the assessment of the implementation of the Access to Information Act. The innovation here lies in the methodology adopted, which was previously quantitative and is now also qualitative, allowing an improvement in the answers provided to citizens and the extension of the transparency culture, favoring all stakeholders: public bodies under assessment, citizens and the Government.