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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
The Pasco Regional Government proposes free WiFi to enhance access to information and education in parks and squares, reducing digital divides. Customized home pages and user management aim to close regional digital gaps, fostering educational, professional, and commercial activities.
The Technological Support Solution for Scrutiny(TSS),developed by ONPE, modernizes Public Management and Digital Government. During elections,poll workers manually fill out multiple official records. The TSS digitalizes votes and produces printed records, simplifying their task. The results are encrypted and securely transmitted to the central office, speeding up their delivery. Additionally, digital certificates were introduced for electronic signatures, giving legal value to the generated PDFs
The UNDP in Ukraine training on a human rights-based approach in public policy design helped public servants who are involved in the digitalisation sphere learn how to develop state policies and electronic services based on principles of human rights and gender mainstreaming. It helped them dispel myths and learn the basic requirements, which resulted in more inclusive public services developed for Ukrainian citizens.
Initiative that promoted the publication of open data from public entities and encouraged its effective use by citizens. The initiative promotes open public data through the National Open Data Platform, meeting global standards and gaining recognition from organizations like OAS and ILDA. Collaboration enhances entities' international standing, fostering open data adoption. Emphasizing data openness, it spotlights leading institutions nationally and regionally, encouraging transparency and…
The Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado (OSCE) supervises public procurement, ensuring integrity and efficiency. Its Portal de Contrataciones Abiertas de la Compra Pública plays a crucial role, improving transparency with international standards. By implementing the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS), it provides detailed access, benefiting entities, suppliers, citizens and civil society.
The "Ficha Única del Proveedor" created to address the lack of transparency in public procurement, consolidates key data about state suppliers, including composition, representatives, and legal background. This innovative tool empowers citizens and service users by providing detailed information, contributing to transparency and efficiency in public procurement. Verification of sanctions and additional records further enhances its utility.
The data portal is a central data point for the public. It provides citizens with high-quality open data of the region, bringing it closer to the general public in user-friendly formats, in the form of map outputs. It is an innovative solution of the Hradec Králové Region for sharing and visualizing data from publicly available sources and data of the region. It ensures transparency, openness and accountability of public administration.
Public services play a crucial role in shaping citizens’ experience of society. This handbook is aimed at professionals working in public services and focuses on concrete pratices to strengthen trust and democracy in everyday service encounters. It helps to make public services more effective by initiating and maintain trust, enhancing participation and agency, and through them delivering better learning, better safety, and better welfare.
Smart shelter Seongdong District’s smart shelter applies smart technologies to the bus stop to provide not only real-time traffic information but also 18 useful services, including public Wi-Fi and phone charging. Smart crosswalk Seongdong District’s smart crosswalk uses cutting-edge technologies (in-ground traffic light, pedestrian traffic light, voice guidance, etc.) to prevent accidents caused by pedestrians using smart phones while walking and protect children and seniors.
In 2022, INDECOPI identified that 23 universities and 10 professional associations were imposing +700 bureaucratic barriers, affecting the employment insertion of +36 thousand new professionals. Given this, the Voluntary Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Programme was implemented to open regulated professional services at the subnational level. Based on behavioral tools, INDECOPI engaged with universities and professional associations to eliminate 786 bureaucratic barriers in 17 regions.