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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

AID:Tech provides digital delivery of entitlement via digital identity. We marry access with identity and were the first company to deliver international aid to Syrian refugees in Lebanon using Blockchain technology. AID:Tech’s goal is to empower through transparency and accountability; our platforms help our client partners work towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Asan Imza is the world’s fastest growing national digital identity in the form of Mobile-ID, which is secure, trusted and issued by the government of Azerbaijan. Based on PKI (a public key infrastructure) it is an irreplaceable tool empowering across all sectors, from public to private, including financial institutions and Mobile Network Operators, allowing to digitally verify your identity and create signatures equal to handwritten counterparts, regulated by law.
Two decades ago, 80% of Indonesia’s timber exports consisted of illegally-sourced wood. In order to combat this problem and to promote more sustainable forest management, the Government of Indonesia developed an innovative multi-stakeholder approach to ensure that wood products and raw materials would only be obtained or come from sources whose origins and management were legal and sustainable. Thus, the Timber Legality Assurance System (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu – SVLK) was born.
Institutions in the Greek government upload their acts and decisions on the Transparency Portal. Each document is digitally signed and assigned a unique number ensuring that acts and decisions are not valid unless published online. An open data tool enables the re-use of published information. The direct accountability brought by means of the Portal upon the administration, provides fewer opportunities for corruption since citizens and interested parties can monitor the publications and report…