Global: Systems Approaches
Tiger Team is a monthly cross-corporate super team of 25+ passionate people to boldly tackle problems in the administration and city. This collaborative experiment brings together staff, citizens, and community stakeholders for 2.5 hours to understand and explore complex problems, generate ideas and prototype solutions to test with users. By bringing together these diverse perspectives Tiger Team is able to compress timelines, find unexpected solutions, identify change makers, and break down…
After Government After Shock we invited event hosts to share with us recordings of their events, any write-ups of their event or some after-the-event reflections on their event and what they learnt. This blog post provides an easy reference point to help interested people navigate between these. You can also find these materials on the relevant event listing on the Government After Shock site. Event recordings We have created a YouTube playlist where you can find a...
A summary report of the Government After Shock conference, which presented an opportunity for collective learning, thinking critically about the implications of the COVID-19 crisis and exploring how to steer government and society toward preferred futures rather than reverting to the status-quo.
The book is a collection of ready-to-implement tools to structure and manage the challenges and exploit opportunities of sustainability and transitions. The goal is twofold: improving the understanding of a challenge by going deeper, broader and by improving the quality of the discussions and conversations around the problem among participants. It focuses not only on the problem-solving process but also on the learning process while designing and implementing solutions. The tools are presented…
This is a collection of six workbooks containing tools and guides for transitioning towards a Circular Economy. The workbooks relate to the six focus areas:
1) Circular Economy Sustainability Screening
2) Circular Economy Business Modelling
3) Circular Product Design and Development
4) Smart Circular Economy
5) Closing the Loop for a Circular Economy and
6) Collaborating and Networking for a Circular Economy.
Each workbook contains an introduction to each Circular Economy topic followed by…
This toolkit allows organisations to change their mindset and move from a project-oriented approach towards a platform-way-of-working that is designed to tackle complex problems. The toolkit was developed and tested by the Danish Design Centre in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and 40+ country offices. The toolkit consists of several mapping exercises. After using the integrated Mission Statement Generator to create an ambitious yet realistic mission statement,…
Creating City Portraits is a methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut, and Doughnut Economics (based on the book and model of the same name), to the city and turning it into a tool for transformative action. This guide describes the methodology and introduces principles to consider at the city level as well as the interconnections between different scales, from household to global, to transform a city to a thriving and also ecologically and socially responsible one. The guide focuses on…
Since 2016, OPSI and the UAE Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI) have worked in partnership to surface key activities and case studies in public sector innovation, resulting in a series of annual reports on key innovation trends. However, this year is not a normal year, with 2020 being one of the most challenging years in most of our lifetimes. The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly and drastically changed the daily lives of nearly...
Convening intentional conversations on crisis implications The crisis of this year has required governments at all levels around the world to respond and adapt. The COVID-19 crisis is unique in the sense that, while many individuals, communities and countries have suffered disproportionate impacts, there has also been a global, collective impact that has spared no one. There has been a terrible shock, one whose aftereffects will continue to be felt for some time. It is...
The handbook follows a co-design logic in terms of process, principles and practical tools to support practitioners in the design and implementation of system mapping processes by highlighting the knowledge management component. This resource provides rationale and guidance on the challenge-led system mapping approach, including facilitation guidance for running mapping workshops.
This resource helps mapping practitioners:
• visualise the diversity of innovation projects as a manageable set of…