Incheon City initiated a demonstration project utilizing AI technology to assist tourists and multicultural citizens in effectively communicating their symptoms to healthcare professionals. Mediark Inc. was chosen for this project through a public tender. The city supports the AI technology's development and demonstration costs, collaborating with Mediark Inc., the Incheon Medical Association, and the Pharmaceutical Association. Mediark Inc. introduced the SIMTOMI app in November 2023.
Innovation Tag: Communication
Case Study
Protected: Internet WiFi gratis para mejorar el desarrollo tecnológico, educativo y social de la…

The Pasco Regional Government proposes free WiFi to enhance access to information and education in parks and squares, reducing digital divides. Customized home pages and user management aim to close regional digital gaps, fostering educational, professional, and commercial activities.
The Information Portal improves the process of obtaining current information on court proceedings by participants in cases conducted in courts.Through this system, trial attorneys, lawyers, citizens participating in proceedings can find out about the current status of their cases without having to contact the court directly.The latest functionality has changed the purpose of the system, which now serves as the official channel of communication in civil proceedings between the court and the party
Case Study
Linkage to care – Removing communication barriers between Health care Facilities and Community…
Community Health Workers are a essential component of the health workforce who provide personalised directed health care in the comfort and safety of a patients home.
This innovation addressed the administrative injustice and barriers experienced y health care workers which result in gross under utilization of the resource.
The innovation automates arduous paper referral to a instant digital referral using Quick Response codes and existing tools in Office 365, all without leaving the bedside
In line with the Sustainable Development Goals 1 and to promote rational purchasing behaviour for welfare of consumers, the Government has developed a price monitoring and control application called “Mopri” with the aims to provide a single interactive platform for comparing retail prices of essential commodities across different outlets, to report any complaints on real time basis and provide information on regulated prices and policies.
The Seoul Outdoor Library was created to meet the needs of citizens for their healing and rest in a safe space since COVID-19. As a new approach where the concept of a library space is expanded from being inside a building to outdoors, a space is created to share culture with multiple generations by offering various services for citizens in collaboration with the local community. It is an innovative model where a library is shifted to a social place in which anyone could enjoy the library.
The organization has first piloted and then fully implemented a school educational program on consumer protection, "Young Consumers. The basic rights". The program aims at a proactive approach and early building of awareness on sustainable consumption and consumer rights, include those rights' ecosystem of protection and the milieu within which they are exercised. This innovation reaches out to its target-group and capitalizes on the benefits of physical presence as well as the students' own…
Case Study
Overcoming Complexity in Public Services: Facilitating Access to the Bureaucratic Barriers…

INDECOPI receives over 363 complaints a day. In terms of bureaucratic barriers, last year, 71% of the complaints were incomplete or inaccurate. To address this, we introduced new templates guided by behavioural insights. These templates simplify the process for complainants and change how we request further data from complainants to get us better information and improve the public service by eliminating bureaucratic barriers.
"Påkobla Hjelpemiddel" (PH) is a digital solution developed from a digitalization department in Kristiansund Municipality, Norway. This innovative system addresses challenges in inventory, distribution, and logistics, improving the efficiency of delivering assistive devices. PH will be completed as a system in the end of 2024, but is today used by four municipalities that are a part of the innovation.
This is a large-scale national initiative employing artificial intelligence techniques to proactively predict which patients are most likely to miss their appointments in outpatient clinics.
It uses machine learning techniques to process, analyse, and train data in the electronic medical record (EMR) system, encompassing patient, clinic, and appointment history.
The no-show rate at KAMC has decreased by 10%.