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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The CRA undertook an ethnographic project focused on the tax filing experiences of the homeless and housing insecure. Researchers worked directly with persons from these populations to gain insight into barriers to accessing tax benefits. The project will improve services to vulnerable Canadians to enhance their standard of living, and underscores the value of innovative qualitative research.
UK Export Finance (UKEF), the UK's export credit agency, developed a model to deliver its support that leverages the large retail-style operations of partner banks to provide access to a greater number of businesses. The model scales up UKEF’s capacity, uses resources more efficiently, removes duplication, reduces processing time, and streamlines processes, to promote increased business volumes.
Transport Infrastructure Ireland introduced a new and innovative approach to the management of our eFlow Tolling Operations Contract on the M50 Motorway by introducing a collaborative relationship-based governance framework with our service provider. We expect this innovation to deliver better customer services, improved toll revenues and reduced operating costs, which will result in more available funding for investment in our transport infrastructure and services.
MTender system is a modern networking multi-platform eProcurement system that comprises a Central Database Unit and a number of networking commercial eProcurement platforms connected to the Central Database Unit. MTender was designed to ensure interoperability with existing and future e-Government services, national registers and to provide end-to-end online workflows for all public procurement methods.
The ‘Reproducible Analytical Pipelines’ project is a collaboration between several UK Government departments to revolutionize the way statistical publications are produced. By using open source software, statistics can be produced more quickly, with automated quality control, in a way that is easier to reproduce, and share. This open approach leads to more transparent, higher quality statistics.
Risk processes in the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) were inefficient, onerous and under scrutiny from a number of reviews. A revised Enterprise Risk Management Framework was released and supported by a simple risk methodology. The framework and methodology supports the ATO to achieve its strategic objectives, harness opportunities and better manage risk. The innovative approach moved risk to be part of the conversation and supports planning. The methodology ensures we harness opportunity, and…
The Flexi-Team helps advance top priority political projects, which could not have been implemented with the currently available staff. The team supports all divisions of the ministry that have temporary staff shortages due to absences or unfilled positions, or due to short-term projects. Furthermore, the Flexi-Team promotes a more flexible work environment in the ministry e.g. by establishing the use of modern knowledge management methods and by offering support in creative design processes.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that organisations carry outData Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA or PIA) prior to starting a likely risky processing operation. The PIA tool is a free and open source software tool, available as a standalone and “server” version. It helps organisations to conduct PIAs by guiding them through the process step-by-step, and thus to demonstrate compliance with the GDPR.
In May 2016, the Mayor of San Francisco launched the Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Promise. This was a new initiative to improve the quality of life in San Francisco with a coordinated approach to delivering City services better and faster. He issued an Executive Directive to Department Heads responsible for quality of life issues directing them to prioritize services so all residents have access to clean, safe, maintained public spaces and facilities. To ensure success, the mayor created the…