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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Metroverse is an urban economy navigator built at the Growth Lab at Harvard University. It is based on over a decade of research on how economies grow and diversify and offers brand new insights on a city's growth prospects by placing its existing technological capabilities and knowhow at the heart of how diversification unfolds. Metroverse was built using a user-centered design process to help city leaders, policymakers and researchers grapple with 21st-century urbanization challenges.
Connectoo Training aims to reduce the digital divide in Belgium by training public officials to better take into account citizens on the digital fringe. Accessible free of charge and 100% online, connectoo trains and certifies public agents in the challenges of digital inclusion and in the reflexes to adopt to help the most vulnerable citizens with online administrative procedures. Together, we are reconnecting digital public services to citizens. In 2022, the digital divide remains more than…
Tackling the effects of rising urban heat goes beyond objective physical measurements. For sure, technical services are in need of blended indicators about the effects of local policies: under which conditions tree planting, fountains, urban design contribute to reduce island heats. The project has created such tools, but is also willing to take seriously into account the subjectivity, the perceived heat, the sensations of our citizens, for they contribute hugely to our collective resilience.
Collections of Ghent is an EU-funded innovation project designed to tackle the urban challenge: How to digitise cultural heritage beyond the cultural institutions, on a city level or higher. And how to use it to improve social cohesion and inclusion within a neighbourhood. It is both a digital transformation project, and a social innovation project where we research how digital cultural heritage can be used in co-creative and participative way.
The General Hospital Asklepieio Voulas has developed an exercise-based cardiac telerehabilitation program in order to increase the participation of eligible patients in cardiac rehabilitation services. Through this, Government and cardiovascular patients will benefit since participation in a CR program can reduce the risks of death and hospital readmissions. To our knowledge this is the first attempt to develop a telerehabilitation program offering a structured, real time, supervised exercise.
Mind the Class, a mental health prevention organization, is partnering with school systems to reduce the risks and reverse the rates of mental and behavioral health disorders by creating a community ecosystem. This full year project collaboratively designs a preventive implementation plan using proven wellbeing research and data-driven solutions in collaboration with our University of Warsaw partners and through local public and private partners support sustainable development.
In COMo, the CO2 concentration (CO2 = Carbon Dioxide) serves as a measure for indoor air quality and aerosol pollution; the latter correlates with the potential (COVID) viral load. Objective CO2 readings via networked sensors enable operators to control the indoor air quality and thus reduce the risk of infection for visitors. Published data allow visitors to make decisions about visiting the facility. All content is available under open source licenses (MIT, BSD, Creative Commons).
CGR has a great amount of available data that need to be exploited to improve its work, while deepening the digital transformation of the State to improve its quality. The aim is to enhance data analysis through the use of algorithms to anticipate risks in the fight against corruption, as well as to improve the channels for citizen complaints. We apply the use of data and technologies in our daily work, thus impacting the State.
Buenos Aires 3D City is an open digital platform that allows three-dimensional visualization of each neighborhood and, specifically, the areas where it is possible to build infrastructure (i.e., housing, commercial and retail buildings, etc.) according to the current city's regulations. The platform is open to district decision-makers and professionals working in the construction industry; it functions as an interdisciplinary work tool to simplify procedures, provide predictability and…
The Australian Government - Dept of Finance sponsored a Proof of Concept (PoC) that looked at how Rules as Code (RaC) might be provided as a shared utility that can be used to deliver simpler, personalised digital user journeys for citizens. RaC is the process of taking legislation and regulations and turning them into machine-readable code. It provides many benefits to citizens and government, including greater reuse, less duplication, greater transparency and accessibility of rules.