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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Socioeconomic relations of all levels of settlements are examined with big data at the scale of the smallest settlements to the metropolitans (81 provinces, 973 districts and 37.036 rural units) in Türkiye. The attributes, needs and comparative advantages of each of the settlements analyzed in YER-SIS with an innovative methodology will enable evidence-based national and regional development policies. Public and private sectors, universities, and NGOs are primarily users benefiting from…
Finland’s Ministry of Finance set a target for all public services to be available digitally by 2023 as part of its Program for Promotion of Digitalisation. The 'Co-designing future digital services' project is a new way of providing free expert mentoring for public sector organisations in developing their digital services, with an emphasis on collaborative learning. The aim of the project is to ensure that future digital services are designed to be human-centered and of high quality.
IQed (Inquiries/Questions in education) utilizes cutting-edge Democratic Technology in classrooms for the purpose of empowering students and educators in Digital Literacy, Civic Literacy, Dynamic Engagement, Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills and Global Competency Education. IQed enables every student to use their personal devices to explore, investigate and become informed on issues of governance and global matters, so that their voice can positively impact local and global communities.
The AJSC has developed a new model to measure the determinants of the ‘quality of life’ in Ajman, covering six key areas of public service. The Model comprises a comprehensive factor measurement framework embedded on a sophisticated web-based application, with inbuilt protocols for scientific data collection, project management, data visualization and reporting. It systematically measures gaps and impact of interventions, via targeted performance assessment of framework factors.
Lisbon Municipality aims for more innovation and sustainability in Public Procurement. Urgency and specifications' complexity are excuses for not considering sustainability in tenders and barriers to attracting innovative SMEs and startups. The innovative approach involved users designing and developing the Procurement Planning Platform, using a rapid development tool, cloud-based, and agile methods, which selects and supports a project-led approach for deploying new procurement strategies.
QualiChain project is guided by the vision to transform and revolutionise the domain of public and education as well as its interfaces with the labour market, policy making, public sector administrative procedures and the wider socio-economic developments, taking advantage of blockchain and other technologies. The ASEP pilot focused on optimising internal evaluation procedures pertinent to the selection and recruitment of public sector personnel with respect to the candidates’ qualifications.
Satellites collect images that can be used to identify deformations of infrastructure at millimetre level with InSAR analysis. This project investigates the use of InSAR in the monitoring of deformations of bridges. Can InSAR be of added value for a structural health assessment of bridges which, with aging assets over the largest part of Europe, becomes more and more critical? Nowadays the monitoring of bridges is very labour intensive and often not without danger. InSAR may reduce this. (which translates to »you are young«) portal captures key information for the young people from the government departments, the youth sector and the non-governmental organizations - all in one place. In addition, all information on the portal is contributed by the young people themselves, i.e. “YOUNG PEOPLE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE”. At the same time, a communication network through social networks (FB, IG, TikTok) is in place and works in connection with the portal.
The E-Gov Development Center has developed a new information exchange tool named ASAN Bridge in order to enable government organizations to transfer the necessary data to each other in more stable, secure and prompt ways. Through the assistance of this system, the key development challenge in the country was addressed by simply enhancing the safety and efficiency of the procedures and serving citizens better.