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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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India has several small cities lacking resources which has prevented them from offering digital services. To reduce the digital divide amongst the towns and cities and to ensure availability of digital services across the urban landscape of the country, NUDM attempts to offer a free, ready-made, and open-source software platform to cities and/or collectives (states). This platform is a choice-based model that benefits cities of varied maturity levels and preserves their existing investments.
The City of Austin launched Data Impact Visuals & Exploration (DIVE) to address low data literacy, limited accessibility, and lack of decision support tools. This project aims to empower diverse users with data skills, tools, and resources to make informed decisions. DIVE benefits community members, City staff, universities and funders. Innovative features include user-centric design, multiple components, a community-based approach and a long-term sustainability plan.
The Open Data Portal guarantees that anyone, regardless of their technical knowledge, can move from doubts about Mexico City to answers based on data. Through an interactive data visualisation tool, it seeks to transfer the power to analyse the information generated by the government to the citizens. The portal is innovative because of its robust visualization tool. Also, it has been fully developed in open source; allowing users to find data, visualise it, cross reference it and build stories,…
Data Mexico was developed to integrate and transform public and private sector data to enable a better understanding of the economic and social context. The platform facilitates strategic decision-making through key evidence and integrating databases with technologies for aggregating, filtering and reorganising information. In this way, it innovates in public access to data, contributing to the development, diversification and promotion of the Mexican economy.
We have developed an innovative GDP forecasting application based on Explainable Machine Learning (XML). It allows users to generate accurate and explicable economic forecasts from data sets with multivariate time-series. The application displays novel prediction changes for temporally ordered variable values, which largely increases the ability to explain predictions. It also includes a hybrid machine learning (ML) model that seamlessly combines all algorithms which outperform Sweden's National…
The Information System for Monitoring the State Anti-Corruption Program (country's Integrity Program) was developed to effectively address the challenge of monitoring the Integrity Program. This innovative solution simplifies and streamlines the processes related to the Program's implementation, ultimately leading to more effective governance. Primarily, considering the OECD's Recommendations on Public Integrity, which highlight that traditional approaches relying on strict rules and law…
Idea Bank is a platform that collects ideas across Azerbaijan to improve the activities of public organizations, develop production and service areas, and take steps to further improve the social welfare of society. It was created with the purpose of improving the activities of state organizations, especially through the collection of ideas from citizens for the implementation of innovative solutions. Idea Bank thus allows state organizations to register on the site and announce contests in any…
Water networks are confronted with aging infrastructure, increased urban population, and climate change. The City of Greater Sudbury has collaborated with CANN Forecast to implement InteliPipes, an AI-based decision-support system that leverages various data sources to improve the overall reliability of its water network. With it the City can (a) understand better the network’s degradation over time, (b) tailor inspection plans and replacement programmes, and (c) optimise watermains…
Emilia-Romagna’s Digital Agenda led a significant innovation process for public administration decision-making. The process resulted in a co-design phase with local administrations to structure and publish online the first geo-referenced regional Observatory on ultra-broadband connectivity in Italy. Multi-stakeholder participation made it possible to identify and highlight the various strengths and weaknesses of the tool, enabling its optimisation.
Explore.Porto challenges citizens and visitors to discover and explore the city. The service is provided through a digital platform, anchored in beacons placed in strategic points in Porto. Anyone equipped with a smartphone can instantly obtain information about where they are and their surroundings, as well as the best way to get around. This user-centered innovation has proven its impact on the adoption of local services by both citizens and visitors.