The district office of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg has opened up 30 streets on Sundays for the creation of temporary playgrounds.
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
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This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
The US' General Services Administration's Technology Transformation Service (TTS) has transformed to manage pandemic response assistance.
Covid-19 Response
The UK’s Lottery Fund has created an Emerging Futures Fund for civil society projects for the…
The National Lottery UK's Community Fund has created the 'Emerging Future Fund', to help communities move towards recovery and renewal after the impact of COVID-19, and draw on all the creativity we've seen in communities and across civil society.
As such, they have set up a UK-wide fund of GBP 1 million, with individual grants ranging between GBP 20,000 - 50,000, for organisations to look at how things are changing, what is needed in this transition, and what is possible in the future.
Covid-19 Response
Cambridge University (UK) students organise #CamvsCovid hackathon for small local businesses
MPhil students from Cambridge University organised a hackathon, #CamvsCovid, to seek solutions to problems stemming from COVID-19. Entries focused on local shops, the virtual shopping experience and remote health diagnostics.
Each team entering the event had 72 hours to draft its response to a pressing problem by video and text, and their 750-word text solution went through a juried review process. All the 750-word solutions, which totaled 11 entries, are being assembled into a portfolio.
Research shows, that employees’ poor mental health causes a drop in productivity by 36% and the rise of sick days. In fact, 50% of Millennials leave jobs because of it.
We believe that employees’ emotional hygiene must become a routine and taken care of by outside professionals. ​That’s why we created AOC – a Mental Gym, an objective partner, that helps to build a habit of exercising emotional fitness, anonymously and safely. Employees can train individually, with a community, or…
Helping the European Parliament to debate and legislate multilingually despite social distancing and travel restrictions.
Normally, the legislative process involves frequent physical meetings between MEPs from all over the continent, with associated travel. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, we have developed a multilingual remote participation platform to allow them to participate from their constituencies, debating and voting in their own languages with interpretation provided locally in…
Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository for South Africa created, maintained and hosted by Data Science for Social Impact research group, led by Dr. Vukosi Marivate, at the University of Pretoria.
It is a project creating open data for COVID19 in South Africa. Is led by the Data Science for Social Impact research group and made up of a consortium of volunteers from different spheres of society.
Covid-19 Response
Improving the use of digital services for senior citizens during the covid-19 and beyond
The entire nation has been affected by the corona-virus but instead of just looking at the negatives this should be seen as a time for finding important and necessary changes and possibilities. The self-quarantine of senior citizens and most of others has expanded digital services as the main and sometimes the only contact method between humans. And as we all know the digital world has not been designed with senior citizens as the top priority.
The main objective of Digital leap for seniors is…
Covid-19 Response
SEDEC Tabasco: Open Digital Response to Support Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs in the New Normal

In the last weeks of March, work began to implement different mechanisms of care through digital means in the secretariat, thereby developing spaces to move current efforts towards a new normality.
Through this, we seek a clear and open response to everything necessary to be able to support people who previously obtained physical services at the facilities. With this, we began various actions for the different sectors in different formats to face the new challenges it represents, to maintain the…
Suve is an automated chatbot, whose main task is to make sure that you and everyone living in or visiting Estonia get their questions answered from official sources. Suve has been integrated into several public websites. During the emergency situation related to COVID-19, she helps to provide accurate and trustworthy information in English, Estonian and Russian.