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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Reciclocidades was implemented to strengthen community relationships and contribute to the generation of work and income, the reduction of social inequality, female empowerment and the longevity of natural resources. It offers solutions to problems and needs that affect society, mainly aimed at women in socially vulnerable situations, who are trained to transform solid waste into new products that can be sold. Its main objective is to generate work and income for socially vulnerable women…
The progressive loss of cultural identity in the indigenous and peasant communities of the Amazon region (Urakusa, Shushug, Pakuy and Leymebamba - 6500 inhabitants), led the population to ask the State to support the formulation and implementation of an action plan, including the direct participation of indigenous youths. A total of 123 children participated in the creation of copyright protected literary and artistic works to revitalise cultural heritage, and over 1,115 Awajún indigenous…
Madrid is with You is a social innovation aimed at people from Madrid over 65 years old. Through a simple mobile application that connects an elderly person (or its family members) with a volunteer from the program "Volunteers for Madrid" they receive accompaniment and support on specific tasks such as helping them booking appointments for the doctor, attending with them, going for a walk, and more. The Volunteer body is made of more than 17,000 people.
Easy Government invites people with disabilities to redesign legal and administrative texts (i.e., laws, subsidy formulares) using an easy-to-read approach based on pictograms, simple words, short paragraphs, and the creation of new products that are simpler and clearer for all audiences (i.e., seniors, immigrants, people with low reading comprehension, children). With the lenses focused on diversity and inclusion we seek to address complex issues faced by these population groups.
Those who are now teenagers will be in charge of resolving complex problems in 2050, in particular those related to the climate crisis and its impact on cities. They will need to be equipped with soft skills to develop generosity, creativity or teamwork; unfortunately, traditional schools are not prepared for this task yet. The Mayor's office from Suba, Bogotá, in alliance with te Bogotá Lab iBO and with the World Bank, developed an experiment to test a gamified program that uses ICT to…
GovTech Poland has developed world's first challenge based procurement model where the authors of the best idea receive a full implementation contract without the need for an additional cumbersome tender. With the goal of opening procurement to all creative individuals, the model covers the process from identification to implementation. A pilot run, tested in both central and local institutions has increased SME participation in procurement processes by an average of 1600% (in a sample of 250)…
En 2015, le Parlement de Wallonie a engagé une réforme de son Règlement ayant notamment pour objectif d’associer davantage les citoyens wallons au travail législatif des députés. Dans ce cadre, plusieurs dispositifs ont été mis en place dont la plateforme "Un décret par tous, un décret pour tous" qui vise à encourager les citoyens à intervenir directement dans la rédaction d’un décret sur base d’une problématique soulevée par un député.
Open policy-making is an opportunity for government and stakeholders to move from linear, polarized, single-issue, interest-based considerations to interactions that are networked, collaborative, opportunity-based and where complexity is viewed as an asset. Adapted for the Government of Canada context, is a cost-effective and highly scalable, digital engagement platform that can be used as part of broader strategies to put people and robust evidence at the heart of government decisions.
The Artech project invites artists, entrepreneurs, and developers to use public data as a "raw material" for works of art based on traditional arts or digital media. Being a well-known and respectable medium to broad audiences, we see art, as an original and fresh way to expose new audiences to the importance of open data and its relevance. This is the first time that a government agency in Israel has directly sponsored a creative and innovative experience of this kind.