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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The AI Competence Center of the Munich City Government is an innovative approach to creating a city-wide AI infrastructure. By providing expertise and support for the implementation of AI solutions, the center aims to increase the efficiency of city services and improve the lives of citizens. The center is unique in its role as a government-run AI center, which sets it apart from other AI initiatives.
Itla View is a digital tool to help local services for families with children to manage their activities better using up-to-date data, to anticipate the need for corrective services and identify opportunities for preventive work. It enables different actors to form a shared holistic picture of the well-being of children, young people and families in their area. Itla View collects observations sent by field actors on the daily lives of children and families. It utilizes artificial intelligence to…
Tawakkalna Services is a digital super-app which was created to simplify and enhance daily life of individuals in Saudi Arabia. It modernizes service delivery and benefits over 31 million users by providing a unified access point for diverse services, from healthcare to civil affairs. Its innovation lies in creating a unified digital ecosystem of public and private offerings, reflecting a bold step in digital integration aligned with Saudi Vision 2030.
Tampere Pulse is a revolutionary service that utilizes a predictive analytics algorithm to predict visitor flows in the city center of Tampere, Finland. It helps businesses make informed decision that will help them thrive, be it responding to growing demand, developing new business ideas, or adjusting required workforce and opening hours. Tampere Pulse is available to everyone through an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, on both mobile and desktop devices.
The Hub for Advisory, Finance and Investment for Enterprises (HAFIZ - Arabic word حافز for incentive) is an AI-powered integrated portal by Egypt’s Ministry of International Cooperation and works as a one-stop hub to avail to the private sector: (1) financial instruments (e.g. equity, debt, trade finance, insurance, guarantees, grants, etc.); (2) technical assistance services; and (3) knowledge products by international development partners.
UAsk, born from the need for seamless access to government services in the UAE, is an AI-powered chatbot transforming citizen engagement. Serving residents, businesses, and visitors, it leverages generative AI, particularly ChatGPT, for real-time, multilingual, and reliable information. Its innovation lies in delivering an inclusive, user-centric, and efficient digital experience, revolutionizing interactions with diverse government services within the digital governance realm.
BRISE-Vienna pioneers a digital revolution in building permit procedures, addressing inefficiencies with a groundbreaking approach. The integration of AI, AR and 3D modeling accelerates the process, enhancing project quality. This innovative solution benefits administrative staff, project participants and citizens, ensuring a partially automated review, seamless networking, digital access, heightened transparency and 50% time savings.
The Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment (SECLE) was established to anticipate the skills needed in working life and to fund competence services to proactively improve the matching of skills and jobs. SECLE’s new online service, Osaamistarvekompassi (Skills Needs Compass), provides anticipatory data on job transitions, along with insights on near-future skills needs derived from AI-assisted data mining, in a user-oriented way. The service guides the allocation of SECLE’s…
Rainlevelr is a joint approach to reduce the risk of flooding. By utilizing the water basins of horticultural companies, the Delfland horticultural area can absorb heavier downpours, thus preventing flooding for both the businesses and the surrounding area. In Rainlevelr, regional authorities, ‘Glastuinbouw Nederland’ and horticultural companies collaborate closely. The uniqueness of this innovation lies in the collaboration among various stakeholders involved in the use of water buffers…
The Public Employment Service (DYPA) in Greece has launched the PROSVASIS platform, a new digital platform which is based on the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AAΑ international standard. With the use of this platform persons with disabilities and especially persons with visual and hearing difficulties, physical and cognitive/mental disabilities have access to the content of the DYPA website thus promoting inclusiveness for these vulnerable social groups.