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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The number of undetected cases is a link in the chain of spread of HIV/AIDS in society, so massive efforts are needed to find new cases, not only at-risk populations but also in non-risk population groups with more innovative approaches. This Innovation is here as a solution to solve problems by raising commitment to build collaboration between the government, business world, NGOs and society to jointly fight HIV/AIDS with the aim of finding wider HIV/AIDS cases with more flexible activity times
BRISE-Vienna pioneers a digital revolution in building permit procedures, addressing inefficiencies with a groundbreaking approach. The integration of AI, AR and 3D modeling accelerates the process, enhancing project quality. This innovative solution benefits administrative staff, project participants and citizens, ensuring a partially automated review, seamless networking, digital access, heightened transparency and 50% time savings.
Born in Belgium Professionals is a RIZIV project that offers a digital tool, developed by and for professionals who work with or for (vulnerable) pregnant women. The tool is an online, shared platform that centralizes information about the psychosocial situation of the pregnant woman and makes it available to her care providers and healthcare providers from the (para)medical and social sector, fully in accordance with privacy legislation (GDPR).
SME Houses are one-stop-shop centers providing comprehensive services and support tools to SMSs during planning, starting, running and developing businesses. It is a unique initiative that allows mobilization and coordination of resources of all public and private stakeholders to contribute to development of SME sector. It makes it easier for those who often don’t know from where to get specific services to just go to one facility and get consultation, guidance, services and support.
The Local Government of Sumedang Regency, Indonesia has developed a new platform, ‘SIMPATI (Sistem Informasi Pencegahan Stunting Terintegrasi - Integrated Stunting Prevention Information System)’, as a tool to collect real-time data to make stunting reduction programs more effective and integrated. Through the SIMPATI platform, the government has a way of improving stunting reduction program, increasing stunting data management, and decreasing the stunting rate to solve the problem.
Individuals often experience managing tasks related to individual finances and debt as burdensome and shameful. As a response, Financial advice clinics in Finland provide anonymous, low-threshold guidance and advice for citizens with small and large financial questions without booking an appointment. Citizens have the possibility to meet professionals from different fields simultaneously, and receive help for their financial issues at the same location.
Digital attacks such as online fraud, data misuse, phishing and cyberbullying are on the rise. Many victims do not know where to turn. The "Cybercrime Helpline", a call center service by the City of Vienna, offers fast and uncomplicated support. Existing services were integrated into rapid iteration cycles, organizational interfaces were created and the working method was established. The extension of the successful service by a highly topical subject area underlines the innovative approach.
Rainlevelr is a joint approach to reduce the risk of flooding. By utilizing the water basins of horticultural companies, the Delfland horticultural area can absorb heavier downpours, thus preventing flooding for both the businesses and the surrounding area. In Rainlevelr, regional authorities, ‘Glastuinbouw Nederland’ and horticultural companies collaborate closely. The uniqueness of this innovation lies in the collaboration among various stakeholders involved in the use of water buffers…
The open innovation model was developed in partnership with Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) and Superior Court of Labour (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho) to implement a Residency programme in Information Technology. The objectives are: qualification of human resources in the IT area, realisation of applied research and development of innovative IT solutions for the Superior Court of Labour (TST). It proposes a model of innovation in the…
BUPi, is a one-stop shop, developed to integrate different sources of information about property ownership and land management, gathering knowledge on the, until now, unknown land areas and sharing this knowledge with several government agencies in order to create economic and social value for citizens and for the country. BUPi ensures a simple and digital solution that citizens can use to identify and geo-reference their properties, according to the once-only principle.