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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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'Seoul Learn' is a project that provides equal educational opportunities to the vulnerable population that has difficulties in accessing educational resources due to socioeconomic reasons. Educational inequality in Korea has been identified as the main culprit behind generational poverty. The project offers various educational services via public platforms to prevent education from causing inequalities.
Since its inception in 2020 for the purpose of realizing a digitally inclusive society, the Digital Competency Center Project has been providing digital competency training for citizens to enjoy the benefits of digital technologies and services as their lives and socioeconomic activities are rapidly digitalized. Thanks to the innovation, any person in Korea can visit their local Digital Competency Center for a free, hands-on training programmes to foster skills for using mobile or digital…
The digital compensation scheme was created to support Norwegian businesses to endure the financial consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. The scheme designed was quick, efficient, and can be relaunched when needed. Checks are done before the disbursement, which minimizes the need for verification afterwards and also prevents misconduct. Applications are approved by an auditor, and then automatically processed and checked against information from a variety of sources and registers. Information…
Bureaucracy in Jakarta faced 3 main problems: scattered and unstandardized data, siloed systems, and unintegrated services; making public services inefficient and costly, eventually decreasing public service quality. Jakarta Capital City Government addressed the mentioned challenges through JAKI, a Super-App that integrates services by unifying Jakarta’s bureaucracies and data in one digital ecosystem that prioritises citizen participation in overcoming city problems. JAKI is a one-stop…
Citizens and businesses often face complex, expensive and non-transparent procedures in order to acquire licenses, permits or certificates, or to fulfill their obligation(s). To solve this issue, the Register of Administrative Procedures (RAP) and its public portal provide information about more than 2300 procedures for citizens and businesses within competences of more than 90 authorities in Serbia – all in one place.  It makes public services easy, transparent, predictable and accessible…
The Government of Ekiti State is working with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Governance Lab (MIT/GOVLAB) and has developed a community-based reporting system called “E-Surv”. E-Surv enables the participation of community members in public health surveillance by reporting public health events/emergencies, to activate a time-efficient government-led responses. This E-Surv which has been piloted in the State will create an early warning system for disease surveillance and laboratory…
The Korean government recently piloted the K-Digital Platform (KDP) to enhance national digital literacy and foster manpower suitable for digital convergence as digital transformation and low-carbon economy transition accelerated in all areas of the labor market. This is to strengthen the digital capabilities of various consumers, including workers, young job seekers, and the self-employed, and to preemptively and systematically respond to structural changes in future industries.
To create a sustainable and inclusive public transport ecosystem, Capital Region Urban Transport (CRUT) has redefined public transit through its user-centric services. CRUT’s Mo E-Ride (E-Rickshaw) service provides feeder services for its primary Mo Bus (city bus) routes, forging ways for integrated multimodal mobility solutions. CRUT has also consciously invested in holistic policy decisions that supports social and gender inclusivity. The hallmark of its initiatives lies in its integration…
The Guide for Heads of Single-Parent Families aims to train and empower this group in the exercise of the right of access to public information, by bringing them a tool that facilitates the solution of some of their daily problems. The right of access to public information (hereinafter DAIP) is essential in its instrumental role for the full and comprehensive exercise of other fundamental rights like health, work, housing, education, sexual and reproductive rights, and the right to have and form…
The Parliament of Vanuatu has struggled to fulfil its legislative, budget, oversight, and representation functions due to limited capacity to utilise trusted statistics. The Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics addressed this capacity gap through targeted training with Members of Parliament (MPs) and parliamentary civil servants to improve policy making. This is the first focused effort in Vanuatu to introduce data for sustainable development monitoring to MPs with the aim of enhancing good governance.