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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Karolinska University Hospital is piloting a new model for nurse-led innovation. The model consists of a framework for enabling nursing organisations to work with innovation and a nurse-led innovation hub concept, where nurses can collaborate with the industry to co-develop solutions for healthcare. Through this, the hospital puts nurses in the driving seat of innovation in healthcare to both develop better solutions for healthcare and promote a sustainable work life for frontline staff.
For digital transformation, the ability to authenticate and sign a document digitally is fundamental. Aiming to ensure universal access to digital services and increase the digital take-up, Office for IT and eGovernment established shared eID infrastructure, National eID portal, and started to issue mobile IDs and cloud-based certificates for electronic signature free of charge to every citizen over 16 years of age and foreign nationals with registered temporary stay or residence in Serbia.
In 2023, Estonia was the first in Europe to star using a nationwide food card, giving people the freedom to buy the food what they want and how they want. Aid is loaded on the card each quarter and must be used by the end of the quarter. If there is not enough money on the card, the remainder can be paid by bank card or cash (the balance can be checked on a receipt, at self-checkout or by customer service). Recipients in need have the autonomy to curate their own food baskets, tailoring their…
Starting a family is a major milestone in life. It also requires public service support. In Iceland, parents have the legal right to take leave and receive benefits, which allows them the time to take care of and bond with their babies. Having a baby can be stressful, and time should not be wasted on paperwork or bureaucracy. The digital application for parental leave automises the process and makes the processes simpler, faster and more user friendly. 90% of parents in Iceland currently prefer…
Good Coffee is a Vocational Engagement Enterprise that organises a chain of social cafes for people with complex psychosocial disabilities.  The cafes provide vocational rehabilitation on a work place and for some, introductory training is already given during their hospitalization in Mental Health Centers. The model enables continuity of care and transition between the realms of Health, Social Services and Employment. Good Coffee also reduces public funding, increases independent living and…
The Health Affairs Department created an interactive map service to address the issue of patients and visitors getting lost in the hospital. The goal is to enhance their experience by providing accurate instructions and an interactive map. This innovation allows easy access to detailed maps, helping users find departments, facilities. It saves time, reduces frustration, and improves overall comfort. By utilizing technology, it offers a user-friendly experience, and enhances hospital management.
Young people struggle to navigate public services organized by sector. DigiUng is a collaborative government initiative coordinating youth-related public information and services in one joint digital ecosystem across sectors of society. The whole ecosystem is available from one place:, offering information and digital services tailored to the age and needs of its 60 000 daily users. DigiUng has been a transformative initiative, opening a new realm of possibilities for the public sector.
UNDP has introduced a digital system that allows better reporting of public health data in rural communities in Lesotho. It consists of tablets and software designed to fit the needs of Village Health Workers, the Ministry of Health unit that collects the data, whose staff has low digital literacy. The initiative led to increased reporting frequencies (essential for monitoring fast-moving epidemics) and reduced costs; as a side effect, it increased the rates of digital literacy of the personnel.
As the overuse and misuse of narcotics pose a global public health threat, the Korean governance has developed a smart, digitalized real-time monitoring system for narcotics safety management. By utilizing this state-of-the-art technology, the government can analyze prescriptions, track patterns, and alert doctors to prevent the overuse and misuse of narcotics.
The NEMO program is a forward-thinking initiative reimagining Hamburg's public registry offices to meet future demands by integrating digital transformation with user-centric services. Developed in response to an urgent need for modern, efficient public services, the program orchestrates a holistic transformation by managing 16 interconnected projects aiming to digitize citizen interactions by including agile management, cross-sector collaboration, and advanced technology.