The Better Government Movement (BGM), housed on, builds a 21st century, delivery-driven government. BGM creates an inclusive space where public servants can grow their creative capacity and learn new tools, approaches, and mindsets to jumpstart innovation. This is in service of solving government-wide problems and affecting positive change within agencies and government writ large.
Innovation Tag: Challenges and Awards
CivTech is the Scottish Government’s challenge programme for innovation. The programme pioneers a smarter, faster approach to public procurement to harness entrepreneurial tech innovation and citizen engagement, improving public service delivery, creating economic development opportunities and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset within government.
The Michigan Economic Development Corp (MEDC) teamed up with private partner Patronicity to launch a first of its kind crowd-granting program to help create vibrant communities throughout Michigan. The program revolutionizes the granting process, in part, by making the community the final review committee. If the project garners enough community support through crowdfunding, it will receive a matching grant.
With crowdfunding success rates across the industry at around 5-10% for projects…
Two decades ago, 80% of Indonesia’s timber exports consisted of illegally-sourced wood. In order to combat this problem and to promote more sustainable forest management, the Government of Indonesia developed an innovative multi-stakeholder approach to ensure that wood products and raw materials would only be obtained or come from sources whose origins and management were legal and sustainable. Thus, the Timber Legality Assurance System (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu – SVLK) was born.
The ground-breaking 100,000 Genomes Project is a highly ambitious programme that has established the UK as the global leader in genomic medicine. Focussing on rare diseases and common cancers, the Project provided a proof of concept for establishing a fully integrated Genomic Medicine Service in the UK National Health Service, the first health service in the world to offer whole genome sequencing for some conditions.
The Poverty Stoplight (PS) seeks to activate the potential of families to eliminate multidimensional poverty beyond traditional income measures through a self-evaluation tool. PS is used by communities, businesses and governments to support families in assessing their poverty levels and implementing practical solutions, empowering the poor to be architects and protagonists in the process of eliminating poverty.