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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Τhe Municipality developed a centralized Internet of Things (IOT) management platform with the ability to control, record and analyze power consumption data and other resources in buildings and other infrastructures, which can function as a smart city base for the Municipality. With it, the Local Authorities will be able to obtain documented data and prepare relevant analyzes for the purpose of certifying the Municipality and submit proposals for financing projects to reduce energy consumption.
The project was born from the need to redesign the Ministry of Education's (MI) decision-making processes. The ITeR application is an organizational and management tool built to suit this purpose. The beneficiaries of the innovation are the MI actors involved in the process, but also the citizens who benefit from the measures being issued more quickly. ITeR is innovative because it enables the cooperation of all actors, keeps track of all documents and greatly simplifies the decision-making…
The Ministry of Economy has piloted a web-based module that integrates a Business License application into the national Business Registry to incentivize businesses to apply for a license online, right after incorporating and obtaining a tax number. This innovation provides undigitalized municipalities an online channel with standard requirements for businesses in their jurisdictions, while gaining a free web-based back office workflow, with trusted digital legal and tax information to ease…
Brazil’s website offers almost 5.000 public services and has more than 200 million monthly page views on average. With so many service options, it’s paramount to make them easily available. Under that mindset, the Ministry of Economy developed two important improvements to its usability: the first is the use of AI to recommend services based on the citizen's browsing history. The second was creating User profiles as a way of finding services based on the citizens’ journeys.
In order to provide citizens with access to many residence-related services from a single point, rather than having to access each service separately, "My Residence" was launched on 9 March 2021. Under the Digital Transformation Office, many services related to the residence address of citizens are offered via the e-Government Gateway by 9 central government institutions as well as municipalities and utility companies.
BUPi, is a one-stop shop, developed to integrate different sources of information about property ownership and land management, gathering knowledge on the, until now, unknown land areas and sharing this knowledge with several government agencies in order to create economic and social value for citizens and for the country. BUPi ensures a simple and digital solution that citizens can use to identify and geo-reference their properties, according to the once-only principle.
To improve the Government's response to problems and delivery of products, the Office of the Prime Minister of Croatia introduced Agile methodology and Agile teams, which mimicked startups in using iterations and learning to inform their next move. All governments have policy challenges that seem too complex to be solved. These challenges span across several departments, have some areas where jurisdiction of departments is unclear, and any intervention would have serious impact on all citizens.
The innovation involved creating a central support service for elderly people who need care and monitoring. For this purpose, a Call Center operates on a 24-hour basis with properly trained staff composed of social workers and psychologists, who have direct access to each elderly person's file and respond to the elderly person's emergency calls by telephone.
Recognising the need for a high level of Cyber Security across the public sector, the National Cyber Security Strategy (NCSS) called for the creation of a Common Cyber Security Baseline Standard across all Public Sector Bodies and for the establishment of the “CORE Network” to share best practice for cyber security across Government. This project embodies the Irish Civil Service Renewal 2030 Strategy by delivering evidence-informed policy and services, harnessing digital technology and…
The Office of the Prime Minister of the Government of Kosovo, together with GIZ in Kosovo and Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) have developed the Civil Service Innovation Program for Implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (Gov4SAA). The program enables civil servants to identify a challenge and then design a solution in the form of innovative products or services to be used by citizens, government, and other relevant stakeholders.