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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Price Bank enables public procurement parties to have points of reference for price quotes for particular products, as it is a database of electronic invoices issues in Brazil. Participants narrow their search via descriptors and filters to find the right quote.
The Michigan Economic Development Corp (MEDC) teamed up with private partner Patronicity to launch a first of its kind crowd-granting program to help create vibrant communities throughout Michigan. The program revolutionizes the granting process, in part, by making the community the final review committee. If the project garners enough community support through crowdfunding, it will receive a matching grant. With crowdfunding success rates across the industry at around 5-10% for projects…
For the purpose of earthquake disaster management (preparedness, response, recovery) a comprehensive web-based modelling toolbox was developed enabling earthquake hazard simulation with selectable epicentre and intensity, affecting real housing stock in Slovenia, modelling its seismic resistance and related people occupancy. This is now enabling development of significantly improved preparedness and response mechanisms, initiating through the public awareness campaign also refurbishing process.
The reason for the development and launch of our e-solutions was to facilitate the collection of initiatives and proposals to eliminate administrative burdens and review their implementation in one place. Our innovation provides users with an on-line one-stop-shop solution, where they receive all information about activities in eliminating administrative burdens and preparing better legislation, and enables systematic collection, resolution and monitoring of implementation of proposals.
The Poverty Stoplight (PS) seeks to activate the potential of families to eliminate multidimensional poverty beyond traditional income measures through a self-evaluation tool. PS is used by communities, businesses and governments to support families in assessing their poverty levels and implementing practical solutions, empowering the poor to be architects and protagonists in the process of eliminating poverty.