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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

The reason for the development and launch of our e-solutions was to facilitate the collection of initiatives and proposals to eliminate administrative burdens and review their implementation in one place. Our innovation provides users with an on-line one-stop-shop solution, where they receive all information about activities in eliminating administrative burdens and preparing better legislation, and enables systematic collection, resolution and monitoring of implementation of proposals.
The Social Outcomes Fund (SOF), launched in 2012, was the world’s first Social Impact Bond (SIB) linked to government outcomes. This £20m fund catalysed the use of SIBs to address complex social issues in the UK by helping to align local and central government budgets. Today, the UK has had over 50 SIBs helping to improve people’s lives across the UK, and a substantial proportion of this growth has been stimulated by SOF.
The Poverty Stoplight (PS) seeks to activate the potential of families to eliminate multidimensional poverty beyond traditional income measures through a self-evaluation tool. PS is used by communities, businesses and governments to support families in assessing their poverty levels and implementing practical solutions, empowering the poor to be architects and protagonists in the process of eliminating poverty.
Better Reykjavik is a co-creation project of the Citizens Foundation, Reykjavik City and its citizens that connects them and improves trust and policy. It’s a platform for crowdsourcing solutions to urban challenges and has multiple democratic functions: Agenda setting, Participatory budgeting and Policymaking. Innovations include unique debating system, crowd-sourcing, submission of multimedia content and extensive use of AI to improve the user experience as well as content submitted.