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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The DYPA Career Days, organized by the Public Employment Service (DYPA) in Greece, fosters direct engagement between the business sector and jobseekers. This marks a significant departure for DYPA as these events are now systematically conducted, spanning the entire country. A key strength of DYPA’s Career Days lies in their comprehensive promotion of employment opportunities and the strategic engagement of interested individuals through a process characterized by simultaneous, adaptable, and…
The Public Employment Service (DYPA) in Greece has launched the PROSVASIS platform, a new digital platform which is based on the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AAΑ international standard. With the use of this platform persons with disabilities and especially persons with visual and hearing difficulties, physical and cognitive/mental disabilities have access to the content of the DYPA website thus promoting inclusiveness for these vulnerable social groups.
Facilita Peru empowers public entities in digital transformation by digitizing procedures and services across 449 institutions with 1,500 forms, enhancing accessibility for citizens. Officials manage digital forms without operational costs, and citizens benefit from virtual procedures from home. The innovative virtual parts table streamlines application and record management for enhanced efficiency.
The single digital platform of the Peruvian State offers guidance information for citizens about procedures and services. It centralizes the institutional pages of all entities, as well as all their regulatory information, publications, news and campaigns. It is focused on being an accessible platform that can be used by all people on all devices, considering principles of accessibility and inclusion.
MauPass has been developed for citizens and businesses to transact easily and securely with Government online. It is a single window of authentication service to provide a layered approach towards e-Authentication implementation for all government and other e-services. This initiative follows an urgent need for better identity and access management for a trusted ecosystem.
The Ministry of Economy has piloted a web-based module that integrates a Business License application into the national Business Registry to incentivize businesses to apply for a license online, right after incorporating and obtaining a tax number. This innovation provides undigitalized municipalities an online channel with standard requirements for businesses in their jurisdictions, while gaining a free web-based back office workflow, with trusted digital legal and tax information to ease…
Brazil’s website offers almost 5.000 public services and has more than 200 million monthly page views on average. With so many service options, it’s paramount to make them easily available. Under that mindset, the Ministry of Economy developed two important improvements to its usability: the first is the use of AI to recommend services based on the citizen's browsing history. The second was creating User profiles as a way of finding services based on the citizens’ journeys.
The Open Data Portal guarantees that anyone, regardless of their technical knowledge, can move from doubts about Mexico City to answers based on data. Through an interactive data visualisation tool, it seeks to transfer the power to analyse the information generated by the government to the citizens. The portal is innovative because of its robust visualization tool. Also, it has been fully developed in open source; allowing users to find data, visualise it, cross reference it and build stories,…
BUPi, is a one-stop shop, developed to integrate different sources of information about property ownership and land management, gathering knowledge on the, until now, unknown land areas and sharing this knowledge with several government agencies in order to create economic and social value for citizens and for the country. BUPi ensures a simple and digital solution that citizens can use to identify and geo-reference their properties, according to the once-only principle.
The City of Ilion has developed a mini forest park within its urban complex. The goal of this pocket park, measuring 600 square meters, was to become, within a short period of time, a dynamic ecosystem that provides critical benefits to people and to urban wildlife. Its primary goal was to be an open nature-based school for the children of the Municipal Kindergarten – which is located next to the mini forest, as well as their caregivers and the neighbourhood inhabitants.