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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Koldchain is the world's lowest-cost, patent-pending, GAVI-endorsed, solution based on thermosensitive polymers that leave distinct patterns upon exposure to temperature shifts. These patterns are interpreted by our smartphone algorithm to detect whether temperature fluctuations have damaged vaccines or other sensitive maternal health biotech products, and thus prevent infant & maternal mortality. The same tech applies to dairy, meat, and many other products where temperature affects quality.
TrueMed will change the brand protection market with modern AI based software approach for detecting originals and counterfeits around the world. TrueMed’s innovation is the next generation method for rapidly detecting goods, at any point of distribution, by customs or even consumers. It can be used by brand owners and authorities in global and cross-border collaborations. It is 100% non-additive, hence very cost-effective, agile, and capable of being adopted to different use cases.
The Co-Innovate initiative, led by InterTradeIreland and supported by the European Union's INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), has provided financing to a cross-border group of 18 companies (headed by Northern Irish company Shnuggle), to help them produce thousands of low-cost, quality face shields for front-line workers during the COVID-19 crisis.
BanQu is the first ever blockchain-based (patented) Supply Chain & Economic Passport platform that enables transparency, traceability, equity and sustainability for farmers (especially women), workers, waste pickers living in extreme poverty. BanQu has also become the leading platform for ensuring COVID-19 supplies are reaching the most vulnerable nations and communities in the MENA region. BanQu is being used in 40+ countries across over 1 million last-mile-first-mile beneficiaries today.
The Reducing Friction in Trade (RFIT) project was initiated in March 2019 as a proof of concept to establish how blockchain distributed ledger technology and associated technologies can be used to seamlessly integrate supply chain data with HM Revenue & Customs and the Food Standards Agency’s systems. The project intends to do so by guaranteeing the timeliness and provenance of critical data and avoiding the need for discrete declarations.
Six European partners are collaborating in the framework of the Interreg Europe Program for the implementation of DIALOG. The project has the objective of improving the effectiveness of innovative policies for regional competitiveness through the involvement of local stakeholders and citizens in policy and decision making processes. This involvement will be crucial to address common needs and face mid- and long-term challenges related to sustainable territorial development.
Better ecosystem understanding is needed in the Western Balkans where governments face the challenge of aligning with the European Green Deal and Circular Economy amid EU enlargement discussions. This project implements an innovation policy for sustainable growth by introducing tools for territorial analysis to support development policies. It is the first regional effort of this kind, positioning existing circular economy challenge owners in a system viewpoint as part of a co-creation process.
The EGTC GO represents an instrument to unlock cross-border potential for innovation, competitiveness, and sustainable growth. It promotes innovation in local governance through a supra-regional method to solve cross-border challenges - administrative and legal burdens – in order to provide concrete solutions for its territory and citizens. Flagship cooperation projects on Health, Culture and Social Innovation are key examples of the innovative added-value of the EGTC GO.
The Global Councils on SDGs is a unique interdisciplinary network of decision makers from governments, international organizations, academia, and the private sector, who came together to share innovative practices and discuss the creative implementation of the SDGs at the national and global level. Based at the World Government Summit, the Councils aimed to work on creating new partnerships between countries, organizations, and sustainable development advocates for the implementation of SDGs.
Viet Nam has suffered a drastic decrease in mangrove forests in recent decades driven by the growth of aquaculture. The governments of the Republic of Korea and Viet Nam have decided to resolve this issue through cross-sector collaboration between the forestry and fisheries sectors of both governments. Through this cooperation, the two governments will help local people restore and sustainably manage mangrove forests while also improving their livelihoods through eco-friendly aquaculture.