VisualGOB is an objective, visual and intuitive digital accountability tool that represents a breakthrough in the field of transparency. With it, it is possible to consult the government's progress almost in real time, and to follow the evolution of the 156 strategic objectives of the Aragon Government Plan. In addition, VisualGOB became a scorecard accessible to all.
Innovation Tag: Finance and Budgeting
Case Study
The complex approach to technology use for customers: from an Electronic Application System to a…
The Rural Support Service of Latvia (RSS) is responsible for the implementation of unified state and European Union support policy in the sector of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural development. The project was initiated by the need to reduce bureaucratic burden and help customers to receive support easy, quickly, without mistakes. RSS cooperated with different stakeholders, such as private sector organizations, service providers, clients and professionals from agricultural holdings.
Impact Canada is a whole-of-government effort that deploys outcomes-based policy and program approaches. It features a novel set of rules, processes, and supports to allow the Government of Canada to support innovative methods like challenges, pay-for-success funding, and behavioural insights, which previously faced significant barriers to adoption. Through these systems-level changes, the Government can now apply these approaches to produce better outcomes for citizens and create greater public
Case Study
Skrinja (Chest): Using Emerging Technologies for Better Digital Public Services and Data Driven…
The innovation has been developed to support data-driven decisions and to improve transparency and efficiency for better governance. Manual analytic work can be better organised and automated by offering self-serving dashboards and infographics. Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence are used as a central governmental platform to be offered as a service to the public sector. The project is introducing new concepts and tools of analytics and business intelligence in the public administration…
10x is a stage-gated internal investment program for the United States government, modeled on modern venture capital practices, that funds the exploration and development of new product ideas, sourced from civil servants, to significantly improve how the government uses technology to serve the public good.
The municipality of Zeist (approx. 64,000 inhabitants) faced the challenge of having to cut its spending by 6.2 million euros. A decision was made to take the innovative approach of engaging with citizens in a social discussion on possible spending cuts. Through this process of co-creation with its residents, the Zeist local authority not only managed to balance the budget, but it has also helped the local authority forge closer ties with the community and garner broader support for cutbacks.
Since 1 January 2013, the regional social services unit for the Drechtsteden area in the Netherlands’ South Holland province has been procuring domestic support based on performance agreements with care providers. By putting performance first, instead of the number of hours of support provided, care providers are incentivized to work more efficiently. The new method comes with benefits for users, for the Drechtsteden region, and for care providers.
Case Study
Putting Users First: An Innovative Approach to the Modernization of the Heating Assistance Rebate…
The Heating Assistance Rebate Program (HARP) helps over 42,000 low income Nova Scotians with the high cost of heating their homes in the winter. In 2016 Service Nova Scotia used an innovative approach to modernize HARP from a paper-based application to an online system to improve user experience and government processes. The modernization of this program was uniquely user-driven with significant user-testing leading the transition process and continuous user-testing for ongoing improvement.
In one sentence, the floating Parliament Accounts Committee between Small Pacific Islands State creates a multi-national team of experts who simplifies budget processes while transparently saving resources. A cost-effective measure to share expertise, boost accountability and communicate openly about Governments’ budget processes while providing MPs with the best guidance possible.
The Government of Tanzania has implemented a budgeting solution, developed with Isidore, for the collection, analysis and reporting of public revenue and expenses. The budget process is complicated from having diverse streams of revenue and expenses including donor funding, project outcomes, staff and capital works, which must be input by all Ministries and their personnel who are geographically dispersed. The final consolidated results are required in time for Parliament to ratify.