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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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To accommodate the growing foreign talent pool in Vilnius and support the city’s economic development, the Lithuanian Government established a unique one-stop-shop style service centre for foreign talent. Specialists representing various important state institutions gather in one place to provide services to foreign talent relocating to Vilnius. This is the first centre of its kind in Lithuania and comes as a great relief for foreigners while improving Lithuania’s image and increasing its…
Citizens and businesses often face complex, expensive and non-transparent procedures in order to acquire licenses, permits or certificates, or to fulfill their obligation(s). To solve this issue, the Register of Administrative Procedures (RAP) and its public portal provide information about more than 2300 procedures for citizens and businesses within competences of more than 90 authorities in Serbia – all in one place.  It makes public services easy, transparent, predictable and accessible…
The language in the Brazilian public sector carries a history of being complex, full of acronyms, technical terms, etc. This, at times, means that the population is unable to understand the language used by the government. The Simple Language Programme is the first Brazilian public policy aimed at simplifying the language of government, enabling public servers to communicate more simply and supporting the simplification of documents.
DYPA, the Hellenic Public Employment Service (former OAED) has developed myDYPAapp, a mobile application that provides citizens with access to DYPA’s online services from their mobile phones. It was launched in February 2021, as an adaptation of DYPA’s services to new needs and modern technology that require the digitization of services, interaction and immediacy in serving citizens’ needs. myDYPAapp is innovative as it includes a wide range of user interaction possibilities with DYPA.
In Estonia, there are a number of people who do not know how to speak the official language well enough. This prevents people from finding a better job, participating in Estonian cultural life, communicating with Estonians, and finding personal fulfilment. The goal of the project was to understand the needs of an adult language learner to then know how to organize language education for them so that it helps them better acquire the Estonian language. As a result, a common agreement that improves…
The innovation is a platform where all government sectors and private sectors can acquire the UAEPASS (Federal Digital Identity) log-in Application Programming Interface (API) and other services from a single platform. Similarly, in this platform the end-user can install the API without interference with the UAEPASS Operation team.
The Greek Ministry of Digital Governance introduced digital vaults to gradually abandon a paper-based public administration (PA) and facilitate user-friendly e-services regardless of how the PA back office operates (fully online or paper-based). This free-of-charge digital inbox allows the exchange of verified e-documents in a secure, traceable way, valid in digital and paper format. As customizable and reusable building blocks, the vaults help reduce administrative burdens.
The Machinery Price Catalogue is an electronic tool designed by the Rural Support Service of Latvia (RSS) to make purchases of machinery and equipment for farmers more simple and convenient. The Catalogue facilitates the beneficiaries' procurement process for the purchase of machinery and equipment. For beneficiaries, there is no procurement procedure required and it is now easy to choose the appropriate machinery for the farm, evaluating its capacity and pricing. The approach also reduces time…
In order to solve the problem of waste accumulation in the city of Nablus, an application was created for drivers of cars affiliated with the Solid Waste Department of Palestine. Many areas in Palestine face the challenge of accumulation of waste in commercial areas, which affects citizens who use the area, and causes traffic congestion during the waste collection process due to the lack of specific paths that take into account the shortest road, priority streets, and waste collection times. The…
"Electronic Quoter"" is a Peruvian purchasing innovative tool which consists of the implementation of information service aimed at public entities that contract through the Electronic Catalogues of Framework Agreements. It allows them to estimate the price of the goods contained in their purchase request and has allowed them to reduce the time of the preparatory actions of the procurement process from 68.1 calendar days to only 1 day, for the benefit of 2,000 public entities and the citizens…