The program offers an online Human Rights course for civil servants with modules from 15 Public Administration entities. It includes initial and final webinars featuring the Ombudsman and three civil society associations, respectively. Graduates propose initiatives to implement Human Rights, fostering a "Network of Ambassadors for the Promotion of Human Rights in Public Administration." A Best Practices Guide will highlight implemented projects.
Innovation Tag: Public Policy
Futures and foresight methods are fundamental tools to inform decision-making and public policy in order to consider a wide range of future possibilities. The creation of a Latin American Future Network seeks to articulate existing efforts from many countries and enhance capacity building in the region, since capacities are still not well developed. This will benefit citizens by improving public sector services and future-proofing policies aimed at the population wellbeing.
The UNDP in Ukraine training on a human rights-based approach in public policy design helped public servants who are involved in the digitalisation sphere learn how to develop state policies and electronic services based on principles of human rights and gender mainstreaming. It helped them dispel myths and learn the basic requirements, which resulted in more inclusive public services developed for Ukrainian citizens.
13 Fellows from 10 different African countries in 8 institutions of the African Union to build a culture of digital innovation: the AU Digital and Innovation Fellowship is the first supranational initiative to make administrative processes in the African Union more user-centred and effective. The challenge: 12 months to integrate innovation into the African Unions processes and products. The results: 11 products in diverse AU institutions and units. And that is just the start!
Zaragoza City Council has launched a new electronic citizen participation platform with the aim of involving its citizens in public policy decisions and in the design of its services. It provides an interactive space for residents to actively contribute, strengthening the collaboration between the administration and the community, thus fostering a more inclusive and transparent management.
In Peru, the lack of systematic evidence hinders efficient budget allocation and innovative public policy. The MEFLab addresses this by conducting experimental evaluations of programs and policies that benefit the Peruvian Ministries and the citizens through improved public services. The lab's innovation lies in using existing evidence, creativity, and collaboration to design new public policy solutions and promote evidence-based decision-making.
The National Internship Program, coordinated by the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office, is a nationwide program designed to assist youth employability and school-to-work transition. It involves all public institutions and voluntary employers with the aim of providing internship opportunities for university students with principles of equal opportunity and merit ensured by its platform. The Program helped and encouraged candidates to engage in activities for their…
Case Study
Monitoring and participatory evaluation of the National Strategy to Combat Poverty 2021-2030 (ENCP)

As part of the National Strategy to Combat Poverty (ENCP), PlanAPP is piloting a participatory monitoring and evaluation (M&E) model. This model involves designing mechanisms for participation in collaboration with social sector organisations. Following this, individuals living in poverty will participate in the M&E process of the ENCP from its inception. The goal is to enhance the development of well-informed and contextually relevant public policies, foster a culture of participation, and…
The Electronic Family Wallet (Bolsillo Familiar Electrónico) is an innovation in technological services from Chile. It is an electronic payment system facilitates the delivery and use of the monthly monetary contribution that more than 1.4 million people will receive from May 2023, for exclusive use in purchases in food businesses.
People are demanding increased transparency and participation in government decision-making processes. Project Heart brought together people with lived experience, researchers, designers, and policy analysts to co-envision a way for engagement to be meaningful and bring about more caring and equitable futures for all. The findings are a rallying call for governments to change common practices and move towards co-designing policies/programs as a path to (re)building community relationships.