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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The investment and business sector in Serang City, especially for small-scale, is still facing licensing constraints. Easy Business License in One Step, comes as solution that allows business licensing and education services to the community, will be conducted at the village and sub-district, instead of having to go to the Investment and One-Stop Office. It will cut bureaucratic red tape so that people with time constraints, lack of understanding, and people with disabilities can be served.
The Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) has embraced human-centred design to transform the way regulation is developed and applied for small businesses in Western Australia. The SBDC partnered with 22 local governments to deliver the Small Business Friendly Approvals Program, which involved reviewing the approvals journey from the small business’ perspective and designing reforms to streamline processes. The Program has ignited transformational change and made it easier to do…
To tackle air pollution and climate-related challenges, Milan has devised and executed a groundbreaking initiative to engage citizens in sustainability planning – the Permanent Citizens' Assembly on Climate. By fostering inclusive deliberations, the Assembly puts forth tangible recommendations for the city's long term sustainable development agenda. Its innovative model guides an equitable transition that positively impacts all residents ensuring durable civic participation in policymaking.
Santo Stefano di Sessanio is a rural village affected by long-standing depopulation and marginalisation phenomena that need to be effectively tackled. Seizing the opportunity of funds for socio-economic revitalisation, a participatory process was promoted to identify a framework of proposals responding to real local needs and aimed at improving the attractiveness and liveability of the village, while strengthening the local community's sense of trust, spirit of cooperation and responsibility.
DCCEEW partnered with the CSIRO to develop a novel approach to track social licence for the energy transition. A valid and reliable survey instrument was designed and deployed to measure Australian attitudes and behavioural intentions towards the energy transition. As the energy transition has been met with concern from communities, results from this survey are key to developing evidence-base policy, and to bassline and track social licence to ensure a speedy and just energy transition.
Digital Training for All ensures and monitors the continuous progress in digital skills to promote the digital training of citizens by integrating and enhancing the city's public-private strengths. To this end, a dynamic alliance will be created to stimulate the city's digital skills ecosystem, bringing it closer to the public. Among its initiatives, Digital Volunteering is already a reality, a digital accompaniment project for the elderly population to mitigate loneliness and reduce the digital…
Rainlevelr is a joint approach to reduce the risk of flooding. By utilizing the water basins of horticultural companies, the Delfland horticultural area can absorb heavier downpours, thus preventing flooding for both the businesses and the surrounding area. In Rainlevelr, regional authorities, ‘Glastuinbouw Nederland’ and horticultural companies collaborate closely. The uniqueness of this innovation lies in the collaboration among various stakeholders involved in the use of water buffers…
The Reciclocidades was implemented to strengthen community relationships and contribute to the generation of work and income, the reduction of social inequality, female empowerment and the longevity of natural resources. It offers solutions to problems and needs that affect society, mainly aimed at women in socially vulnerable situations, who are trained to transform solid waste into new products that can be sold. Its main objective is to generate work and income for socially vulnerable women…
MauPass has been developed for citizens and businesses to transact easily and securely with Government online. It is a single window of authentication service to provide a layered approach towards e-Authentication implementation for all government and other e-services. This initiative follows an urgent need for better identity and access management for a trusted ecosystem.
In order to provide citizens with access to many residence-related services from a single point, rather than having to access each service separately, "My Residence" was launched on 9 March 2021. Under the Digital Transformation Office, many services related to the residence address of citizens are offered via the e-Government Gateway by 9 central government institutions as well as municipalities and utility companies.