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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The investment and business sector in Serang City, especially for small-scale, is still facing licensing constraints. Easy Business License in One Step, comes as solution that allows business licensing and education services to the community, will be conducted at the village and sub-district, instead of having to go to the Investment and One-Stop Office. It will cut bureaucratic red tape so that people with time constraints, lack of understanding, and people with disabilities can be served.
People are demanding increased transparency and participation in government decision-making processes. Project Heart brought together people with lived experience, researchers, designers, and policy analysts to co-envision a way for engagement to be meaningful and bring about more caring and equitable futures for all. The findings are a rallying call for governments to change common practices and move towards co-designing policies/programs as a path to (re)building community relationships.
Statistics Poland has launched Public Services Monitoring System to provide local government units, entrepreneurs and community with the information necessary for a comprehensive assessment of services provided at the local level. Previously entities responsible for providing these services did not have access to data for supporting decision-making processes, as well as to monitor changes to improve the quality of services at the municipal level.
The Sewa Setu Portal is a transformative initiative by the Government of Assam that utilizes cutting-edge technology to revolutionize public service delivery. It addresses longstanding issues such as slow service, accessibility challenges, and bureaucratic delays, thereby enhancing efficiency, transparency, and accessibility for citizens and businesses. The project aims to offer over 1000 online services, including advanced features like automatic eligibility notifications and digital…
Tawakkalna Services is a digital super-app which was created to simplify and enhance daily life of individuals in Saudi Arabia. It modernizes service delivery and benefits over 31 million users by providing a unified access point for diverse services, from healthcare to civil affairs. Its innovation lies in creating a unified digital ecosystem of public and private offerings, reflecting a bold step in digital integration aligned with Saudi Vision 2030.
"Being new in Norway", is a prioritized life event in the Norwegian government`s digitization strategy aiming to: Provide a holistic and comprehensive public info to the newcomers as end-users Accelerate newcomers’ participation in work and society Increase public resources efficiency The website is addressing those goals and is a hub for accessing public information to newcomers We used foresight methodology to contribute to more long-term and sustainable service delivery.
The gap in residency rights for residents living in plantation/forest areas has an impact on unequal distribution of social assistance, health, education and difficulty in accessing public services. The Camping Embun innovation is a camping activity which provides population administration services in plantation/forest areas and completes population documents that aren't there or haven't been updated. So that, residents in the area have legal certainty regarding ownership of population documents
Tampere Pulse is a revolutionary service that utilizes a predictive analytics algorithm to predict visitor flows in the city center of Tampere, Finland. It helps businesses make informed decision that will help them thrive, be it responding to growing demand, developing new business ideas, or adjusting required workforce and opening hours. Tampere Pulse is available to everyone through an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, on both mobile and desktop devices.
In New Zealand, a new unit in the Ministry for the Environment / Manatū Mō Te Taiao was set up. This new unit was a deliberate decision to focus on behavioural science, systems thinking, design thinking and human system-dynamics to help the organisation, designing for the systems we focus on. It is innovative because it is bringing this type of thinking together in a single team, embedding this in a policy organisation, using the multidisciplinary skills.