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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Budget Monitor is a ICT tool of SAOG that promotes transparency,accountability,efficiency of public administration through increased citizen scrutiny. BM establishes two way communication with taxpayers: 1.provides sophisticated budgetary information by easy-to-interpret visualizations and dynamic graphs for free and 2.enables citizens to get involved in audit process by informing SAOG about deficiencies in public spending,providing recommendations and contribute to improved public service…
The Citizens' Assembly was an exercise in deliberative democracy, placing the citizen at the heart of important legal and policy issues facing Irish society. With the benefit of expert, impartial and factual advice the 100 citizen Members considered five topics. Their conclusions formed the basis of a number of reports and recommendations that were submitted to the Houses of the Oireachtas (the Irish Houses of Parliament) for further debate by our elected representatives.
Decidim est une plateforme numérique imaginée par la mairie de Barcelone dès 2016 pour créer et coordonner des espaces et des processus participatifs, qui vise à étendre et faciliter l’accès à la participation citoyenne en vue de la co-construction et de la co-production des politiques publiques. Il s’agit d’un projet européen open source : son code est ouvert et libre ; en d’autres termes, tout le monde peut le voir, l’utiliser, le copier ou l’enrichir.
Mental health issues affect about 1 in 10 young people in the UK. MH:2K gives young people a leadership role in solving this most important of challenges. It empowers 14-25 years old to identify the mental health issues they see as most important, engage their peers in exploring these topics, and work with decision-makers to make recommendations for change.
We have launched the Citizens’ Packet to make Silesian Voivodeship Office (SVO) a  more friendly and serviceable place for users. The core of the packet consists of practical facilitations for our clients who seek information or help. Our client-oriented solutions comprise diverse solutions on every level of our customer care and spread to every organisational unit in the SVO. The Citizens’ Packet is available online via our brand-new official website.
As one of Open Government Partnership’s co-founders, Brazil has developed a new co-creation methodology to define the commitments of its National Action Plans (NAP). It has envisaged co-creation workshops with parity participation of experts from government and civil society in chosen themes. The initiative aimed to conciliate the watchful eye of civil society’s representatives and the technical eye of those actors who live the reality of the state administrative machinery to set…
Innovative use of digital and online opportunities has made it easier for people to have a greater say in local decision-making in Scotland. A unique cross-sector collaborative approach was taken to developing digital, with collective solutions and sharing of learning achieved through an open, iterative and experimental methodology. The Scottish Government encouraged rapid growth of participatory budgeting and digital, in line with the ambitions of open government and strengthening democracy.
The People’s Budget is an interactive, mobile-friendly website that demystifies local spending by asking residents to play "mayor for a day" by balancing their city budget. Users learn more about how government works and how it spends money before deciding for themselves how to divide discretionary funds. The answers to these questions are synthesized and reported back to the community and city leaders to help get limited tax dollars to the programs that need them the most.
The Regione Emilia-Romagna has, since 2014, developed a pilot strategy to promote and coordinate the use of social media by local police departments. Keeping in touch with citizens is the core business of every local police, but today, traditional communication tools and skills are not enough to respond to citizens' needs and demands. As such, we established a network of people inside local police departments to share expertise in the area of social media.
My Municipality (Meu Município) a free public portal that organizes and makes available the financial performance of 90% of the Brazilian cities in a intuitive, user-friendly way. It is used for citizens to understand, monitor and compare how Brazilian municipalities collect and spend our money. My Municipality is also designed for public managers in their analysis and decision-making about the city's directions.