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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Enhanced In-Home Disability Supports (EIHDS) is a pilot project designed to support families of children with disabilities who are in crisis or at risk of being moved to a residential placement. Through the pilot, supports needs are identified and new and innovative ways to provide respite and support are tested. The project is helping families build confidence in caring for a child/youth living with disabilities. It is helping increase the quality of life for families to stay together.
The Ministry of Mines of Peru, alongside the IFC, BHP, various mining companies, and CISCO developed the Mining InfoCenter, a one-stop-shop social and digital innovation to provide mining-related information and capacity building to local leaders. The system will enable them to access information from the private and the public sector, build their capacities, and provide feedback to mining companies and the government, generating an informed dialogue that drives local development and contributes…
“Agora Falo Eu!" is an educational card game consisting of 8 question cards and 120 image cards destined for children between 7 and 13 years old. During the game, participants are invited to answer the question cards with the picture cards they are given.   The game aims to help children explore themes of citizenship and development; define their interests and identify the most suitable media to work on citizenship and civic participation; and promote engagement in democracy.
With less than a third of world researchers or STEM graduates as women, accelerating achievement of gender parity is not just a fairness argument but an economic imperative. EY and Tribal Planet have launched an innovative gamified platform that engages girls from underserved communities in fun, practical and gamified STEM learning. Through the platform, the innovation has energised public-private partnership, connecting governments and citizens to create an ecosystem of support, awareness and…
The project improves quality of life for people with a chronical illness by developing and integrating digital solutions in the education of patients. It supplements the physical training but replaces the traditional education in a health centre and offers patients a far more flexible solution. Patients can participate in webinars from home and chat with healthcare professionals and other patients. The use of digital solutions results in both resource optimization and patient empowerment.
Recruit Smarter is a multi-sector initiative of the Victorian Government and Melbourne University to develop inclusive recruitment practices and address unconscious bias in recruitment. Internationally, Recruit Smarter is the first initiative of its kind, contributing findings to a growing body of research demonstrating the benefits of inclusive workplaces. 46 organisations across the public, private, non-government, and research sectors contributed to Recruit Smarter and its findings.
Approaches to corruption are generally negative and ineffective- focusing on the problems and the wrong-doers rather than the solutions and the do-gooders. Integrity Icon is a global campaign run by the Accountability Lab organisation to "name and fame" honest government officials, change the narrative around graft and rebuild trust in government through lifting up role-models. It is innovative not just in the citizen and media driven campaign itself, but in the creative ways the campaign then…
In the Northern Ireland Civil Service, over 70% of absence days are due to staff on long-term sick (absences lasting 20 working days or more). Using behavioural insights, the Lab designed a new suite of letters to support employees when they go off sick. The letters reject traditional formal approaches of absence management in favour of empathy, clarity, and empowerment. Both line managers and staff feel the letters are a huge help in providing the support they need when off sick.
Nudge Türkiye undertook a project to increase the uptake of government subsidies by SMEs. Analysis showed our subsidies were used by a limited number of big companies, and government could reach the SMEs who need financial support the most. By interacting more closely with the firms, they clarified the pain points for the SMEs. Based on firms' feedback, organisers created a user-friendly website for explaining subsidies, and sent over 30,000 emails that used behavioural messages to nonapplicant…
The Ministry of Possibilities is a virtual ministry created to incubate and solve the systemic impossibilities of government. It works by creating time-bound departments experimenting together to ask impossible questions and disrupt the conventional systems with leapfrog solutions that are yet to be explored Its focus areas & mandate are: To IDENTIFY impossibilities To INCUBATE virtual, timebound departments/teams to solve and explore the impossibilities To EDUCATE and train on the mindset of…