The GCF is the MMC’s response to the unmet needs of cities as they work to support migrants, refugees, & IDPs during COVID-19. By offering direct financial and technical support to cities in low & middle income countries, the GCF proves fiscal feasibility in places that are often disregarded by donors with low-risk tolerance. The vision is to create a model that can be scaled & replicated elsewhere to ensure that global responses to pressing challenges reflect & address realities on the…
Innovation Tag: Challenges and Awards
Berlin, London, New York and Paris have come together to share emerging innovation and test new approaches to support economic recovery. Through a digital collaboration platform, the initiative is supporting the launch of an open innovation competition to invite passionate people with great ideas to deploy solutions in local test-beds in each city. Innovators will co-develop pioneering solutions to shared COVID-19 challenges, alongside datasets and innovation assets from industry.
Hundreds of organizations want to create innovation laboratories but do not know how to do it. ILabthon is an event created to foster this creation with the support of the best specialists in the public sector. The event helped to create more than 130 laboratory projects across all regions in Brazil and 3 others countries in a single weekend, boosting the Brazilian public sector's innovation ecosystem.
As space missions increase in duration and distance, it will not be possible to bring all of the required crew consumables (air, water and food). The Deep Space Food Challenge incentivizes innovators globally to advance the field of food production technologies to meet both space exploration and terrestrial needs. This Challenge represents the first of its kind international collaboration between NASA, Centennial Challenges Program (CCP), the Canadian Space Agency and Impact Canada.
High-tech Research Infrastructures (RIs) require large budgets, high operating costs and extensive human resources, making them available only to a small number of prominent researchers. Up-and-coming junior researchers or technical staffs from SMEs, who account for the majority of technology development, are therefore not able to utilise expensive RIs. The South Korean government planned and established the national RIs governance system to solve this issue and fairly allocate opportunities for…
Impact Canada is a whole-of-government effort that deploys outcomes-based policy and program approaches. It features a novel set of rules, processes, and supports to allow the Government of Canada to support innovative methods like challenges, pay-for-success funding, and behavioural insights, which previously faced significant barriers to adoption. Through these systems-level changes, the Government can now apply these approaches to produce better outcomes for citizens and create greater public
The Conexão Inovação Pública RJ is a network of Brazilian public servants. Distance and other factors negatively impact the interaction and mobilisation of network members. The Connection for Open Recognition Program is an action of engagement, collaboration and strengthening of the network to encourage the sharing of material, promotion of new events and recognition and appreciation among the members of the network.
A growing number of challenges face the province from an aging population and growing debt to successive one-term government and a disengaged public service. Given these challenges, there is a growing consensus in the public service that change is needed despite organizational structures and behaviours that favour the status quo. As a result, GNB’s “Innovation and Design services” has evolved to help public servants become better problem solvers and move towards a more human-centred…
The first public service-wide Innovation Week in Ireland was held in December 2019 where public service bodies collectively developed over 200 events and activities across the country to spotlight innovation. Teams had an opportunity to explore the meaning of innovation in order to create a common language, participate in engaging and creative sessions and collaborate with colleagues from across other areas of the public service and beyond.
Who gets to set the direction of travel has been identified as a key concern of challenge led policy. Utilising an online crowdsourcing tool, the challenge prize Solution 100 provided a novel approach to addressing this question. By crowdsourcing the challenge formulation, the competition organisers built legitimacy for the prize along with a deep understanding of the challenge that was to be addressed. The chosen method combined knowledge gained through crowdsourcing and expert panels.