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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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17 million of people joined the eHealth in less than 6 months, which is every third Ukrainian. Such growth determined by the Public Power Corporation model of organizational process of the eHealth implementation in Ukraine. It was developed by the state-owned enterprise eZdorovya in cooperation with the government, business, IT and civil society. It enables to create a national highly secure eHealth system fast, effectively and transparently. Today, the eHealth in Ukraine is one of the key…
The Government of Korea is beginning to implement a new innovation investment model, 'R&D PIE', which leverages big data analytics and machine learning in order to assess disruptive changes in the technology landscape, and to identify overlaps and potential opportunities across the Korean ministries. Through this, the government has a way of identifying missing links in the innovation initiatives, fostering collaboration among agencies, universities, and companies, and solving social problems.
By applying state-of-the-art data science approaches to both Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES) data (internal, public, or otherwise), the project forecasted the likelihood of major hazards (e.g. cyclones, fire) which drive the service demands for QFES. Using these likelihoods, the project generated 1,000 statewide 10-year service demand scenarios. Each service demand scenario was assessed regarding proposed capital and operational investment plans. With this innovation, data rather…
The automatic filling and assessment of individual’s income tax return enables the tax return to be delivered in a simple, convenient and timely manner, as it exempts the taxpayer from any interaction except the confirmation of the pre-filled values. The tax return is fully filled out by Tax Administration with the data gathered (income and expenses) from third parties information (employers, businesses, banks, etc.) and from the individual elements declared by the taxpayer in the previous…
On June 17 we completed the phased exit from Aspire, government’s largest outsourced IT contract (£10bn). Despite skepticism, we split Aspire, took control of our IT and created a ground-breaking commercial IT operating the model. Recognized as the government’s most successful major program, Columbus delivered on time with huge savings for taxpayers – creating a blueprint for any organization to follow.
UK Export Finance (UKEF), the UK's export credit agency, developed a model to deliver its support that leverages the large retail-style operations of partner banks to provide access to a greater number of businesses. The model scales up UKEF’s capacity, uses resources more efficiently, removes duplication, reduces processing time, and streamlines processes, to promote increased business volumes.
As a development banking institution in Mexico, BANSEFI, in concert with the financial sector, responds to the need for financial services through mechanisms that stimulate financial inclusion. Thus, in an effort to offer financial products and services to co-nationals returning to the country due to a repatriation process, 12 service modules have been installed to offer many financial services.
eHealth is a step-by-step digitalization of all interactions in the medical sphere up to the latest technology, interoperability & requirements. With a bottom-up approach civil society, state and business are creating an effective IT tool to fight corruption in healthcare before all legislation is in place. GoU sets up the rules and standards, while business creates final interfaces for users.
Sustainability bond with impact-linked return (SBIR) is an innovative funding model to unlock social impact investing which advances the potential to drive public sector change and to attract a broader range of investors, while also financing social infrastructure. The overall goal is to expand investor base for impact investing and build public sector capacity to tackle various social challenges.