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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Socioeconomic relations of all levels of settlements are examined with big data at the scale of the smallest settlements to the metropolitans (81 provinces, 973 districts and 37.036 rural units) in Türkiye. The attributes, needs and comparative advantages of each of the settlements analyzed in YER-SIS with an innovative methodology will enable evidence-based national and regional development policies. Public and private sectors, universities, and NGOs are primarily users benefiting from…
IQed (Inquiries/Questions in education) utilizes cutting-edge Democratic Technology in classrooms for the purpose of empowering students and educators in Digital Literacy, Civic Literacy, Dynamic Engagement, Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills and Global Competency Education. IQed enables every student to use their personal devices to explore, investigate and become informed on issues of governance and global matters, so that their voice can positively impact local and global communities.
The AJSC has developed a new model to measure the determinants of the ‘quality of life’ in Ajman, covering six key areas of public service. The Model comprises a comprehensive factor measurement framework embedded on a sophisticated web-based application, with inbuilt protocols for scientific data collection, project management, data visualization and reporting. It systematically measures gaps and impact of interventions, via targeted performance assessment of framework factors.
KSPO has created the SOLF, Seoul Olympic Legacy Forum as a platform where Olympic legacy entities from all around the world gather for the first time to share and collaborate on sustainable development plans for the Olympic Legacy. Through the SOLF, Olympic legacy entities communicated and cooperated with each other to solve the long-term social problems after the Olympic games and to deliver intangible legacy of Olympic spirit and world peace to future generations.
Trend Atlas is a digital, interactive platform with rich insights on local and global trends and emerging signals to inform strategic planning, policy development and service redesign. It reduces research time, rework and duplication by breaking down information silos with centralised data and evidence. Built by policy people who upskilled in digital, it combines automation and curation with a sustainable contributor model to create a collaborative and trusted strategic intelligence service.
Traditional ways of regulating are not able to keep pace with technological disruption, shifting sectoral boundaries, new types of problems and the opportunities innovation can bring. The Regulatory Horizons Council (RHC) is an independent expert committee set up the UK Government that identifies the implications of technological innovation, and provides government with impartial, expert advice on the regulatory reform required to support its rapid and safe introduction.
Officina is a lab for innovation in the public sector whose main objective is to catalyse the energy of young talents by offering them a transformative training programme. Officina was developed to address a triple urgency: future decision makers not perceiving the public sector as an attractive workplace; the public sector having high average age workforce and lack of innovative approaches; society at large needing a more modern and appealing public sector in this key historical moment.
The Violence Early-Warning System (ViEWS) is a publicly available data-driven forecasting system at the frontier of research that generates monthly predictions of conflict fatalities up to 36 months ahead – throughout Africa and the Middle East. The project launched in 2017 to help policy-makers and practitioners plan anticipatory action and humanitarian interventions with a transparent and evidence-based approach. It is based at Uppsala University and Peace Research Institute Oslo.
Intergenerational fairness—the idea that we should meet the needs of the present without compromising rights of future generations or citizens—is a defining theme of our time. Although most politicians and citizens value fairness, society does not have a way to assess the impact we’re having on future generations and advocate for them. This Framework for Intergenerational Fairness contributes to this. The Framework provides a pragmatic solution, whether as a young citizen, or public…
The Center for Hybrid Intelligence (CHI) has with partners such as UN’s AI4Good and the Danish People Climate Summit piloted a new AI powered game, “Crea.visions,” which allows the general public to collaboratively create and reflect on images of possible futures. Such accessible crowdsourcing of the concerns and solutions of the general public on both global and local complex socio-scientific problems could form a cornerstone in participatory democracy in the digital age.