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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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To improve the Government's response to problems and delivery of products, the Office of the Prime Minister of Croatia introduced Agile methodology and Agile teams, which mimicked startups in using iterations and learning to inform their next move. All governments have policy challenges that seem too complex to be solved. These challenges span across several departments, have some areas where jurisdiction of departments is unclear, and any intervention would have serious impact on all citizens.
The Office of the Prime Minister of the Government of Kosovo, together with GIZ in Kosovo and Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) have developed the Civil Service Innovation Program for Implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (Gov4SAA). The program enables civil servants to identify a challenge and then design a solution in the form of innovative products or services to be used by citizens, government, and other relevant stakeholders.
In the face of the talent deficit faced by the productive sector in the digital era, PLAi seeks to develop the skills required for Jalisco to consolidate itself as a hub of innovation. It offers training to the economically active population through partnerships with national and international institutions. It is innovative because it takes advantage of good practices of private initiative and the public sector, as well as technological and educational advances in the world and brings everything…
We have developed an innovative GDP forecasting application based on Explainable Machine Learning (XML). It allows users to generate accurate and explicable economic forecasts from data sets with multivariate time-series. The application displays novel prediction changes for temporally ordered variable values, which largely increases the ability to explain predictions. It also includes a hybrid machine learning (ML) model that seamlessly combines all algorithms which outperform Sweden's National…
The Citizen Innovation Labs (Laboratorios de Innovación Ciudadana - LABIC) are a methodology to generate innovative solutions between citizens and institutions for the common good. They utilise a method to experiment, collaborate and accelerate innovative projects that emerge from citizens and have the potential to generate useful solutions to social, cultural, environmental and economic challenges. These solutions focus on the most pressing issues of the 2030 agenda and they are replicable,…
Latvia has developed an Innovation lab for user centric policy making via diverse innovative methodologies. We integrated innovative approaches to policy making at the very center of public administration, aiming to tackle complex horizontal issues via cross sectoral co-creation in development and testing of solution prototypes. InLab has become a national live testbed for new policy planning approaches with a vision of extending its impact to regional level.
Governments must judge hundreds of new programmatic budget proposals each fiscal year with little objective information about whether they will achieve the results claimed. Evidence of program effectiveness is a critical data point that is used when making budget and policy decisions, as programs with greater evidentiary support are generally more likely to deliver a high return on investment of public funds. The The Policy Lab at Brown University leveraged existing public clearinghouses of peer…
Innovation Barueri (Inovação Barueri – Centro tecnológico de desenvolvimento, pesquisas e incubadora de empresas) was developed to give a space to entrepreneurial ideas that arise among students, teachers, researchers and startups by assisting in the transformation of these ideas into successful businesses. It enables collaborative work of exchange, cooperation, as well as interdisciplinarity, sharing and learning through innovative practices. The center offers equal opportunity for…
The city of Recife needed to become a city open to innovation. The E.I.T.A! Recife (EITA Recife), Desafios Públicos e o Fomento à Inovação Aberta, was created and a process of cultural transformation is being conducted in the City Hall to change the paradigm of how to do open innovation in the public service for and with the citizen. Recife was the first city in Brazil to sign 6 public innovation contracts and to compose a hub of living labs. It achieved a 70% reduction in time for…
First platform in the industry which support standalone and integrated workflow solution for any inspection,which leads to increased efficiency,security,and accuracy of inspection operations through virtual-inspection capability that enables the inspection teams to work remotely and reduce the need for field visits and addresses some pain points which includes inconsistency in quality,time consumption and resource management.stakeholders include Inspectors, Schedulers ,System admin,inspected org