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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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In 2022, INDECOPI identified that 23 universities and 10 professional associations were imposing +700 bureaucratic barriers, affecting the employment insertion of +36 thousand new professionals. Given this, the Voluntary Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Programme was implemented to open regulated professional services at the subnational level. Based on behavioral tools, INDECOPI engaged with universities and professional associations to eliminate 786 bureaucratic barriers in 17 regions.
The Government of Canada is experimenting writing existing laws and proposed regulations into code. Encoding rules allows us to run legal simulations in the regulatory drafting room, which helps us detect ambiguities, loopholes, and gaps in the rules that often go unnoticed. However, existing tools designed by and for programmers are not intuitive for rule-makers. In response, we set out to develop one – an open-source Rules as Code tool called Blawx.
The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture in Saudi Arabia proudly introduces the innovative mobile application called Livestock Chain as a groundbreaking solution leveraging Blockchain technology to effectively manage livestock data within the all country regions. This visionary application is designed to preserve the rich heritage of livestock while offering a secure mechanism for data storage and retrieval, by assigning each livestock a unique identifier.
Administrative burden is red tape - mandatory processes that continue to exist that have nothing to do with an internal policy's intention. It is experienced not only by citizens trying to access a service, but also public servants trying to deliver it. The Government of Canada is looking at streamlining its administrative policies relating to Service and Digital by applying an administrative burden lens to it.
The National Internship Program, coordinated by the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office, is a nationwide program designed to assist youth employability and school-to-work transition. It involves all public institutions and voluntary employers with the aim of providing internship opportunities for university students with principles of equal opportunity and merit ensured by its platform. The Program helped and encouraged candidates to engage in activities for their…
The Aao School Chalein (School Enrollment Drive) initiative in Haryana addresses student enrollment challenges through a mrico-improvement (MI) approach and collaborative action. By empowering school leaders, leveraging technology, and using creative strategies to engage various stakeholders, it encourages community participation to boost student enrollment. This approach has the potential for collaborative, scalable solutions in addressing many education challenges, at scale.
INDECOPI receives over 363 complaints a day. In terms of bureaucratic barriers, last year, 71% of the complaints were incomplete or inaccurate. To address this, we introduced new templates guided by behavioural insights. These templates simplify the process for complainants and change how we request further data from complainants to get us better information and improve the public service by eliminating bureaucratic barriers.
"Påkobla Hjelpemiddel" (PH) is a digital solution developed from a digitalization department in Kristiansund Municipality, Norway. This innovative system addresses challenges in inventory, distribution, and logistics, improving the efficiency of delivering assistive devices. PH will be completed as a system in the end of 2024, but is today used by four municipalities that are a part of the innovation.
The MAP - Early Warning Mechanism is an online and free tool that places Portugal in a pioneering path at the level of the EC and the OECD, for the support given to companies at an early stage of their financial problems and / or levering their growth. It provides indicators allowing capacity building of entrepreneurs, better-informed decision-making processes, and more efficient and sustainable management. The results achieved prove the success of this tool, as referred below.
The National Injury Insurance Agency Queensland in partnership with Queensland University of Technology is revolutionising support for those severely injured in accidents by offering a digital platform for easier access to services and self-management. This initiative provides a seamless, empowering user experience, enhancing independence and trust in public support systems. It's innovative because it transforms traditional, paper-based processes into an accessible, efficient digital solution.