The "Ficha Única del Proveedor" created to address the lack of transparency in public procurement, consolidates key data about state suppliers, including composition, representatives, and legal background. This innovative tool empowers citizens and service users by providing detailed information, contributing to transparency and efficiency in public procurement. Verification of sanctions and additional records further enhances its utility.
Innovation Tag: Procurement/Acquisitions
Cyd (pronounced “Keyed”) is the community-led platform for procurement and commercial practitioners across the public sector in Wales.
It’s helping the Welsh public sector to learn from and support each other to implement policy through their day-to-day activities, in line with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
The characteristics of Cyd are: user-centred, design-led, iterative and incremental, collaborative, multidisciplinary, and working in the open - inherently…
Alice, a bid, contract and notice analyser, emerged to address critical challenges in public procurement, whose processes present vulnerabilities, risks of fraud and errors. Alice supports public purchases and promoting efficiency in procurement. In 2023, Alice analysed 190,923 acquisitions on the main public procurement portals. The analyses, timely identification of inconsistencies and alerts to auditors generated 203 audit jobs worth a total of R$27 billion. Preventing errors or fraud with…
Case Study
A network-based Competence Centre for Sustainable and Innovative public procurement in Finland
The Finish Government established a network-based Competence Centre for Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement (KEINO) in 2018. The Centre provides, free of charge, advisory services to public procurers, promotes the strategic importance of procurement competencies in public management, facilitates creation of buyers’ groups among procurers, and disseminates information and good practices. The network consists of five public organisations.
The innovation was developed to strengthen the Secretariat of Public Function of the Federal Government's powers in terms of real-time monitoring, control and auditing of procurement contracts carried out by public sector agencies and entities. BESA is an online tool that monitors, from start to finish, compliance with contracts for goods and services. It seeks to identify and eliminate bad practices that the public sector carries out during the execution of procurement contracts.
Case Study
The Machinery Price Catalogue – an electronic tool designed for customer convenience: no…

The Machinery Price Catalogue is an electronic tool designed by the Rural Support Service of Latvia (RSS) to make purchases of machinery and equipment for farmers more simple and convenient. The Catalogue facilitates the beneficiaries' procurement process for the purchase of machinery and equipment. For beneficiaries, there is no procurement procedure required and it is now easy to choose the appropriate machinery for the farm, evaluating its capacity and pricing. The approach also reduces time…
"Electronic Quoter"" is a Peruvian purchasing innovative tool which consists of the implementation of information service aimed at public entities that contract through the Electronic Catalogues of Framework Agreements. It allows them to estimate the price of the goods contained in their purchase request and has allowed them to reduce the time of the preparatory actions of the procurement process from 68.1 calendar days to only 1 day, for the benefit of 2,000 public entities and the citizens…
More than 80% of the residents in residential elderly care suffer from unwanted urine loss. This is why care staff check on them regularly, day and night. In order to minimize these disturbing and time-consuming incontinence rounds, the residential care organization Zorg-Saam set out to test new incontinence solutions equipped with sensor technologies that detect when bandages are saturated and alert care staff. With this innovation, supported by the The Programme for Innovation Procurement of…
The Local Wealth Building Challenge Fund is designed to provide financial and non-financial support to develop new products and services to tackle challenges. One aspect of this Challenge Fund which is unusual is the focus on developing innovations that will be procured by the challenge holder, providing additional incentives and focus. Public and third sector organizations often have issues that can be solved not by getting new skills or more workers, but by being innovative. The Challenge…
The scattered information of supplier's background makes it difficult to identify suitable suppliers for public procurement and affects goods, services and works delivery. The "Single Supplier Search" through single supplier sheet integrates and validates, through Big Data, providers' qualifiable aspects to be a supplier. It promotes transparency, citizen oversight and provides reliable and timely information to buyers, suppliers and citizens.