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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

Amputee patients were staying in the hospital for extended periods of time due to poor healing and outcomes. The physio department used a machine traditionally used to treat back and joint pain, to increase wound healing time. The machine decreased the patients' length of stay by 20% and reduced edema. This decrease in edema assisted in less need for the shaping of the stump.
Hearing the people's demands and points of view, through reliable sources, is a central challenge to governance in the 21st Century. With no additional costs, we use the government's call center, representative scientific samples of the population, and up-to-date computer-assisted telephone interviewing to uncover popular evaluations of the quality of public services in Brasilia, Brazil.
In the first interaction with government, citizens should be able to access in a satisfactory way services: in a cost-effective and reliable process, without facing bureaucratic delays or corruption. For this purpose, an innovative system has been developed to deliver citizenship and land ownership certificates to citizens, through an open platform.  
The Blockbuster model predicts the deterioration and future condition of the School Estate under various maintenance and rebuilding spending policies (i.e. the effect of planned maintenance/repair on this deterioration). This provides a data-driven approach to improving the management of the School Estate leading to the potential of saving public money.
Transport Infrastructure Ireland introduced a new and innovative approach to the management of our eFlow Tolling Operations Contract on the M50 Motorway by introducing a collaborative relationship-based governance framework with our service provider. We expect this innovation to deliver better customer services, improved toll revenues and reduced operating costs, which will result in more available funding for investment in our transport infrastructure and services.
APEX is a whole-of-government API platform where public agencies can share data and services with other agencies and private entities. APEX simplifies API management by providing uniform governance, consistency and reliable performance. It enables innovation through a central catalogue and self-service portal where innovators can select APIs to create new services and experiences for citizens.