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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The innovation strategically aligns the Chamber of Commerce of Cosenza's (Camera di Commercio di Cosenza) personnel approach with its evolving goals and societal needs. It introduces a fully innovative, multidimensional recruitment process, impacting professional profiles, job announcements, selection processes, and communication strategies. This benefits the Chamber by enhancing recruitment efficiency and attracting qualified candidates, seemingly distant from institution but capable of…
The Idarathon competition is a response to the imminent need for agility and resilience in the Moroccan administration. The name of the competition is a contraction of the terms 'idara', meaning administration, and marathon, a competition in which civil servants are challenged to innovate. During this competition, a number of challenges are identified and form the basis of the process of ideating and prototyping solutions to meet them.
To improve the Government's response to problems and delivery of products, the Office of the Prime Minister of Croatia introduced Agile methodology and Agile teams, which mimicked startups in using iterations and learning to inform their next move. All governments have policy challenges that seem too complex to be solved. These challenges span across several departments, have some areas where jurisdiction of departments is unclear, and any intervention would have serious impact on all citizens.
The Office of the Prime Minister of the Government of Kosovo, together with GIZ in Kosovo and Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) have developed the Civil Service Innovation Program for Implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (Gov4SAA). The program enables civil servants to identify a challenge and then design a solution in the form of innovative products or services to be used by citizens, government, and other relevant stakeholders.
The language in the Brazilian public sector carries a history of being complex, full of acronyms, technical terms, etc. This, at times, means that the population is unable to understand the language used by the government. The Simple Language Programme is the first Brazilian public policy aimed at simplifying the language of government, enabling public servers to communicate more simply and supporting the simplification of documents.
In the face of the talent deficit faced by the productive sector in the digital era, PLAi seeks to develop the skills required for Jalisco to consolidate itself as a hub of innovation. It offers training to the economically active population through partnerships with national and international institutions. It is innovative because it takes advantage of good practices of private initiative and the public sector, as well as technological and educational advances in the world and brings everything…
HighEd is a platform that enables young people who want to study abroad to make their plans for applying on the basis of safe and reliable information.  Today, the number of young people from the Republic of Uzbekistan going to foreign countries to study is increasing. As young people go abroad, the number of consulting agencies that offer education orientation is increasing, but the services they offer can be inaccessible to many Uzbekistanis and some agencies operate illegitimately.…
The Parliament of Vanuatu has struggled to fulfil its legislative, budget, oversight, and representation functions due to limited capacity to utilise trusted statistics. The Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics addressed this capacity gap through targeted training with Members of Parliament (MPs) and parliamentary civil servants to improve policy making. This is the first focused effort in Vanuatu to introduce data for sustainable development monitoring to MPs with the aim of enhancing good governance.
In Türkiye, not every student has an equal opportunity to access the resources to have sufficient information about career planning. YTNK TV is a free-to-use digital training platform that supports young people's career development within the framework of equal opportunity through various training programs and live broadcast recordings. It raises their awareness about their careers and enables them to make career choices per their qualifications. The entirely free platform fosters young…
The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings many opportunities, but also new challenges for public administration. The online training for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: New Technologies, teaches public servants and private sector employees the basics of AI, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, IoT, 3D printing, Robots, Drones and the Digital Economy. Through quizzes, games and many illustrative examples, participants can immerse themselves into the modern world of emerging technologies, which is crucial…