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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The frameworks for creating and managing the rule of government, as reflected in policies, legislation and regulation, are still based on a paper paradigm. In a digital world this creates poor service experiences and often the intent of a policy is not achieved. Instead if we co-design authoritative machine-consumable rules we can provide better services for citizens, better delivery of policy intent, and enable communities, NGOs and private sector to be part of a government service ecosystem.
The information on the different procedures of access to benefits is scattered among many different agencies websites, whereas the platform "Apoyos del Gobierno" aims to simplify through Artificial Intelligence that any interested party can consult the details of Federal Government programs in a single place. Based on neurolinguistics analysis, the platform not only provides predicted results considering relevant contextual words, but also enhances searches considering the user’s profile.
The Specialized Inspection Agency of Tuv Province and the Government of Mongolia Feasibility Study and piloted a project called “Counterfeit drug detection using Blockchain and AI” to eliminate fake drugs from the market, and save the thousands of lives. The project will increase safety and transparency of the drug industry, tracing the pharmaceutical supply chain in Mongolia, as well as globally.
The Queensland Government is using machine learning and computer vision to automatically map and classify land use features in satellite imagery. Successfully applied to the mapping of banana plantations, the method is extremely efficient compared to current methods of mapping compilation. Using this technology the Queensland Government can accurately map and classify the land use in a timely manner, aiding response to biosecurity and natural disaster events.
AUSTRAC  is the first known government law enforcement or intelligence agency to run a global Codeathon forum. AUSTRAC leveraged innovation, collaboration and exploited technology to improve its business operations, develop efficient new solutions in consultation with government partners, industry, academia and the private sector.
AELOUS is a mid-altitude airborne maritime sensor platform which significantly increases the operating surveillance range by increasing the elevation of the monitoring systems. The Aeolus platform can effectively operate at 450m above the ship – increasing the surveillance area in excess of 11 times of what can be monitored with existing solutions. The platform can be used with multiple lifting systems and can be deployed for many hours. It is being trialled by Naval and Search&Rescue…
Within the framework of the pilot project, the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia by using the artificial intelligence technologies established the innovative tool for the client service sector – virtual assistant UNA, which provides answers in writing, in Latvian to the frequently asked questions of the clients for 24/7h on the website of the Register of Enterprises as well as on the Facebook Messenger application of the Register of Enterprises.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Data Science Campus was set up to work at the frontier of data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI), to deliver research with impact and build capability across the UK public sector. We build skills and apply tools, methods and practices; creating insight to improve decision-making for public good. We work with UK and international partners, drawing on their expertise and resources, sharing the benefits of our education and research programs widely.
Every week millions of people use the UK government's GOV.UK website to do complex and sometimes life-changing tasks, such as learning to drive, getting a visa, or starting a business. In the past, finding the guidance, forms and online services you needed could be difficult and time-consuming. Step-by-step navigation is a new feature on GOV.UK that allows any service to be represented as a series of simple steps.
The Government of Korea is beginning to implement a new innovation investment model, 'R&D PIE', which leverages big data analytics and machine learning in order to assess disruptive changes in the technology landscape, and to identify overlaps and potential opportunities across the Korean ministries. Through this, the government has a way of identifying missing links in the innovation initiatives, fostering collaboration among agencies, universities, and companies, and solving social problems.