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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

CivTech is the Scottish Government’s challenge programme for innovation. The programme pioneers a smarter, faster approach to public procurement to harness entrepreneurial tech innovation and citizen engagement, improving public service delivery, creating economic development opportunities and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset within government.
The Australian Government piloted and developed MyService, a simple, intuitive and innovative digital solution significantly improving veterans' experience when accessing Health Care, Compensation, Income Support and Commemorations for war veterans, members of the Australian Defence Force, their dependants and certain members of the Australian Federal Police. It empowers veterans by helping them get the assistance they need with less stress and increased trust in the outcomes.
The Data Science Accelerator is a capability-building programme which gives analysts from across the UK public sector the opportunity to develop their data science skills. Aspiring data scientists work on a project of real business value, supported by an experienced mentor. Graduates of the programme take their new-found skills back to their respective organisations.
Better Reykjavik is a co-creation project of the Citizens Foundation, Reykjavik City and its citizens that connects them and improves trust and policy. It’s a platform for crowdsourcing solutions to urban challenges and has multiple democratic functions: Agenda setting, Participatory budgeting and Policymaking. Innovations include unique debating system, crowd-sourcing, submission of multimedia content and extensive use of AI to improve the user experience as well as content submitted.